Brief Psychotherapy Books

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Brief Encounters with Couples

Brief Encounters with Couples

Edited by Francis Grier

  • Paperback £36.99

Deriving from a conference organised by the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute, the present volume draws the main focus of its inquiry from a few fundamental questions.

In its various brief... (more)

Solution Oriented Therapy for Chronic and Severe Mental Illness

Solution Oriented Therapy for Chronic and Severe Mental Illness

by Bill O'Hanlon, Tim Rowan

  • Paperback £14.00

This book offers a new and hopeful way to think about and intervene with those who have tough psychiatric problems or long histories of treatment. It offers an approach to therapy that emphasises... (more)

Brief Gestalt Therapy

Brief Gestalt Therapy

by Gaie Houston

  • Print £47.99

Brief Gestalt Therapy demonstrates how the Gestalt approach can be used effectively in brief interventions with clients. Gestalt's distinctively integrative nature and emphasis on a highly... (more)

Narrative Therapy in Wonderland: Connecting with Children's Imaginative Know-How

Narrative Therapy in Wonderland: Connecting with Children's Imaginative Know-How

by David Marsten, David Epston

  • Hardback £33.00

Children's innate inventiveness and self-knowledge are important resources for narrative therapy, in which therapist and client work to re-author the story of the client's life. This book teaches... (more)

Understanding Davanloo's Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: A Guide for Clinicians

Understanding Davanloo's Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: A Guide for Clinicians

by Catherine Hickey

  • Paperback £36.99
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The objective of this book is to update dynamic psychotherapists on the latest findings in Davanloo’s Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (IS-TDP). Previous authors have sometimes presented a... (more)

The Collected Writings of Robert J. Neborsky, MD, and Josette ten Have-de Labije: Two-volume Set

The Collected Writings of Robert J. Neborsky, MD, and Josette ten Have-de Labije: Two-volume Set

by Robert J. Neborsky, Josette Ten Have-de Labije

  • Paperback £117.30

Over two decades, on two continents, Robert J. Neborsky, MD, and Josette ten Have-de Labije, PsyD, have struggled to define and perfect the psychotherapeutic methods of Habib Davanloo, MD. Both in... (more)

Coaching Plain and Simple: Solution-Focused Brief Coaching Essentials

Coaching Plain and Simple: Solution-Focused Brief Coaching Essentials

by Peter Szabo, Daniel Meier

  • Paperback £18.99

This is a highly practical and condensed introduction to solution-focused coaching. The book offers a simple and clear structure for coaching sessions that is easy to learn. Content is illuminated... (more)

Single-Session Therapy (SST): 100 Key Points and Techniques

Single-Session Therapy (SST): 100 Key Points and Techniques

by Windy Dryden

  • Paperback £22.99

Even in one session a therapist can make a difference. Single Session Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques presents the 100 main features of this way of working, providing an accessible, succinct... (more)

Brief Therapy for Couples: Helping Partners Help Themselves

Brief Therapy for Couples: Helping Partners Help Themselves

by W. Kim Halford

  • Print £28.99

New paperback edition. A complete guide to self-regulatory couple therapy, an innovative clinical approach that maximizes the couple's capacity for self-directed change. It presents a flexible... (more)

Doing Therapy Briefly

Doing Therapy Briefly

by Robert Bor, Riva Miller

  • Paperback £37.99

With lengthy waiting lists, reduced resources and demands for more clearly defined performance outcomes, more and more counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists are finding themselves under... (more)

Short-Term Object Relations Couples Therapy: The Five-Step Model

Short-Term Object Relations Couples Therapy: The Five-Step Model

by James M. Donovan

  • Hardback £110.00

Brief therapies have become popular - indeed a necessity - in today's managed care environment. Perhaps because it is one of the more complex psychoanalytical models, object relations theory for... (more)

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Its Effective Use in Agency Settings

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Its Effective Use in Agency Settings

by Teri Pichot, Yvonne M. Dolan

  • Print £39.99

This is an essential work for any individuals or agencies seriously committed to integrating solution-focused principles and techniques beyond a superficial level. It demonstrates how... (more)

Time Limited Therapy in Primary Care: A Person-Centred Dialogue

Time Limited Therapy in Primary Care: A Person-Centred Dialogue

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Paperback £28.99

''This book delineates the foundations and clinical work of person-centred counsellors in a practice setting. Six sessions are the maximum number of sessions typically available to clients in this... (more)

Even From a Broken Web: Brief, Respectful Solution-Oriented Therapy for Sexual Abuse and Trauma

Even From a Broken Web: Brief, Respectful Solution-Oriented Therapy for Sexual Abuse and Trauma

by William H. O'Hanlon, Bob Bertolino

  • Paperback £14.00

More and more people are going to therapy with the problem of the after- effects of sexual abuse. This text povides clinicians with a forward- looking, respectful therapy that taps into, and honors,... (more)

Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

by Frank W. Bond, Windy Dryden

  • Hardback £202.75

In this unique handbook, Frank Bond and Windy Dryden, have brought together a prominent cast of authors, to discuss issues concerning the definition, assessment and, in particular, the practice of... (more)

Brief Counselling: Narratives and Solutions

Brief Counselling: Narratives and Solutions

by Judith Milner, Patrick O'Byrne

  • Paperback £39.99

This book presents both solution focused and narrative approaches to brief counselling. Acknowledging the expertise of ordinary people in devising solutions to their problems, it reflects the current... (more)

Short-term Therapy for Long-term Change

Short-term Therapy for Long-term Change

Edited by Marion F. Solomon, David Malan

  • Hardback £20.00

In this time of rapidly changing expectations of psychological treatment, the authors address the following questions: Is it possible to effect deep, lasting, meaningful psychological change in a... (more)

Brief Therapy and Beyond: Stories, Language, Love, Hope, and Time

Brief Therapy and Beyond: Stories, Language, Love, Hope, and Time

by Michael F. Hoyt

  • Paperback £52.99

Brief Therapy and Beyond is a collection of new and selected papers by prominent psychologist Michael Hoyt. Numerous clinical vignettes and fascinating discussions describe time-sensitive treatments... (more)

Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer Patients: Re-Visioning the CBT Paradigm

Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer Patients: Re-Visioning the CBT Paradigm

by Scott Temple

  • Paperback £39.99

Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer Patients is a practical, clinical guide that allows for the integration of techniques from multiple newer CBT models, organized around a clear conceptual... (more)

Coaching to Solutions: A Manager's Tool Kit for Performance Delivery

Coaching to Solutions: A Manager's Tool Kit for Performance Delivery

by Carole Pemberton

  • Paperback £42.99

This book provides a tool kit for managers tasked with raising performance and sustaining motivation. Organisations are being judged by the way in which they accommodate the needs of the individual... (more)

Creative Ideas for Solution Focused Practice: Inspiring Guidance, Ideas and Activities

Creative Ideas for Solution Focused Practice: Inspiring Guidance, Ideas and Activities

by Judith Milner, Steve Myers

  • Paperback £16.99

Exploring creative ways to implement solution focused practice, this book is packed full of ideas to inspire ways of working with clients which focus on their strengths as a means to finding... (more)

Short-Term Play Therapy for Children: Third Edition

Short-Term Play Therapy for Children: Third Edition

Edited by Heidi G. Kaduson, Charles E. Schaefer

  • Paperback £26.99

Illustrated with rich case examples, this widely used practitioner resource and text presents a range of play approaches that facilitate healing in a shorter time frame. Leading play therapists from... (more)

Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution-Focused Approaches: Creative Practice with Children, Young People and Adults

Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution-Focused Approaches: Creative Practice with Children, Young People and Adults

by Judith Milner, Steve Myers

  • Paperback £24.99

An authoritative, interdisciplinary book which outlines how solution focused practice is particularly effective in addressing violent behaviour in clients and service users, encompassing work with... (more)

Narrative Therapies with Children and Their Families: A Practitioner's Guide to Concepts and Approaches: Second Edition

Narrative Therapies with Children and Their Families: A Practitioner's Guide to Concepts and Approaches: Second Edition

Edited by Arlene Vetere, Emilia Dowling

  • Paperback £39.99

Narrative Therapies with Children and their Families introduces and develops the principles of narrative approaches to systemic therapeutic work, and shows how they can provide a powerful framework... (more)

Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: An Interactive Approach

Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: An Interactive Approach

by Ruth Schmidt Neven

  • Paperback £35.99

At a time when there is increasing concern about the escalation of child and adolescent mental health problems, Time-limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents provides an... (more)

An Integrated Approach to Short-Term Dynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Clinician's Guide

An Integrated Approach to Short-Term Dynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Clinician's Guide

by Joan Haliburn

  • Paperback £34.99

Short-term dynamic interpersonal psychotherapy is an integrated, trauma-informed, contemporary, dynamic way of working with a range of mental health difficulties. Flexible though structured,... (more)

Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy with Children in Crisis

Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy with Children in Crisis

by Elisabeth Cleve

  • Paperback £42.99

In Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy with Children in Crisis, Elisabeth Cleve presents the therapeutic stories of four children who have experienced trauma or are displaying dramatic clinical symptoms... (more)

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with the LGBT Community: Creating Futures Through Hope and Resilience

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with the LGBT Community: Creating Futures Through Hope and Resilience

by Rebekka N. Ouer

  • Paperback £24.99

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with the LGBT Community is a practical guide for mental health professionals who wish to increase their therapeutic skills and work more effectively with LGBT clients.... (more)

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