Lacanian Psychoanalysis Books

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Jacques Lacan (Volume II) (RLE: Lacan): An Annotated Bibliography: Volume I

Jacques Lacan (Volume II) (RLE: Lacan): An Annotated Bibliography: Volume I

by Michael P. Clark

  • Hardback £150.00

This bibliography in two volumes, originally published in 1988, lists and describes works by and about Jacques Lacan published in French, English, and seven other languages including Japanese and... (more)

Jacques Lacan (Volume I) (RLE: Lacan): An Annotated Bibliography: Volume I

Jacques Lacan (Volume I) (RLE: Lacan): An Annotated Bibliography: Volume I

by Michael P. Clark

  • Hardback £170.00

This bibliography in two volumes, originally published in 1988, lists and describes works by and about Jacques Lacan published in French, English, and seven other languages including Japanese and... (more)

Lacan and the Subject of Language (RLE: Lacan)

Lacan and the Subject of Language (RLE: Lacan)

Edited by Ellie Ragland-Sullivan, Mark Bracher

  • Hardback £130.00

Originally published in 1991, this volume tackles the diverse teachings of the great psychoanalyst and theoretician. Written by some of the leading American and European Lacanian scholars and... (more)

Figuring Lacan (RLE: Lacan): Criticism and the Unconscious

Figuring Lacan (RLE: Lacan): Criticism and the Unconscious

by Juliet Flower MacCannell

  • Hardback £115.00

It could be argued that the influence of Lacan on modern literary studies has been greater than anyone's. Lacan has historicised the universal or mythic perceptions of Freud, and thus lent a new... (more)

Death and Desire (RLE: Lacan): Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud

Death and Desire (RLE: Lacan): Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud

by Richard Boothby

  • Hardback £130.00

The immensely influential work of Jacques Lacan challenges readers both for the difficulty of its style and for the wide range of intellectual references that frame its innovations. Lacan's work is... (more)

Treating People with Psychosis in Institutions: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Treating People with Psychosis in Institutions: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

by Belinda S. Mackie

  • Paperback £32.99

This book brings together the histories of a number of psychoanalytically-informed hospitals, and provides a synthesis of the theoretical underpinnings in the institutional practice of each. Of... (more)

Without Ground: Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity

Without Ground: Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity

by Calum Neill

  • Paperback £19.00

Calum Neill explores the ideas of Jacques Lacan to present a powerful argument for an approach to ethics which is neither rooted in a traditional morality nor reduced to a relativism, an ethics, that... (more)

Since Lacan: Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne: Volume 25

Since Lacan: Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne: Volume 25

Edited by Linda Clifton

  • Paperback £32.99

Since Lacan is the latest volume of the Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne, School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, founded in 1977. As such it is comprised of original papers by analysts and... (more)

Stop Making Sense: Music from the Perspective of the Real

Stop Making Sense: Music from the Perspective of the Real

by Scott Wilson

  • Paperback £32.99

Stop Making Sense offers an original and compelling theory of music “from the perspective of the real” as this term is understood according to the Lacanian orientation in psychoanalysis. Specific... (more)

Psychology After Lacan: Connecting the Clinic and Research

Psychology After Lacan: Connecting the Clinic and Research

by Ian Parker

  • Paperback £34.99

Why is Lacanian psychoanalysis now appearing in psychology? What innovative account does it offer of the human subject? What are the implications for psychology as a separate discipline? This volujme... (more)

Psychology After the Unconscious: From Freud to Lacan

Psychology After the Unconscious: From Freud to Lacan

by Ian Parker

  • Paperback £34.99

What is the role of 'representation' in Freud's concept of the unconscious? What are the implications for our understanding of language in the clinic? How does Lacan radicalise this 'unconscious' in... (more)

Jacques Lacan and the Logic of Structure: Lacanian Structures and Language in Psychoanalysis

Jacques Lacan and the Logic of Structure: Lacanian Structures and Language in Psychoanalysis

by Ellie Ragland

  • Paperback £51.99

Lacan postulated that the psyche can be understood by means of certain structures, which control our lives and our desires, and which operate differently at different logical moments or stages of... (more)

Anxiety: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book X

Anxiety: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book X

by Jacques Lacan

  • Hardback £60.00

Jacques Lacan is widely recognized as a key figure in the history of psychoanalysis and one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. In this new translation of Anxiety, he explores the... (more)

Pink Herrings: Fantasy, Object Choice, and Sexuation

Pink Herrings: Fantasy, Object Choice, and Sexuation

by Damien W. Riggs

  • Paperback £22.99

Pink Herrings engages in a re-examination of six of Freud’s cases via Lacan’s account of sexuation. Specifi cally, the book outlines a theoretical framework in which sexuation is understood as a... (more)

Lacan and Religion

Lacan and Religion

by Aron Dunlap

  • Paperback £34.99

The French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan is one of the most influential intellectuals of the past century. His work is invoked by philosophers, film critics and feminist theorists, but religious... (more)

The Zizek Dictionary

The Zizek Dictionary

Edited by Rex Butler

  • Paperback £36.99

Slavoj Zizek is the most popular and discussed philosopher in the world today. His prolific writings - across philosophy, psychoanalysis, political and social theory, film, music and religion - ... (more)

The Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science within Lacanian Psychoanalysis

The Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science within Lacanian Psychoanalysis

by Raul Moncayo, Magdalena Romanowicz

  • Paperback £34.99

Lacan critiqued imaginary intuition for confusing direct perception with unconscious pre-conceptions about people and the world. The emphasis on description goes hand in hand with a rejection of... (more)

Lacan: In Spite of Everything

Lacan: In Spite of Everything

by Elisabeth Roudinesco

  • Paperback £13.99

Jacques Lacan continues to be subject to the most extravagant interpretations. Angelic to some, he is demonic to others. To recall Lacan's career, now that the heroic age of psychoanalysis is over,... (more)

Jacques Lacan, Past and Present: A Dialogue

Jacques Lacan, Past and Present: A Dialogue

by Alain Badiou, Elisabeth Roudinesco

  • Paperback £16.99

Prompted by the thirtieth anniversary of the French philosopher Jacques Lacan's death, this exchange between two prominent intellectuals is rich with surprising insights.

Alain Badiou shares... (more)

The Failed Assassination of Psychoanalysis: The Rise and Fall of Cognitivism

The Failed Assassination of Psychoanalysis: The Rise and Fall of Cognitivism

by Agnes Aflalo

  • Paperback £28.99
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It can happen that a law incurs the wrath of the very people it set out to protect. This is what happened in France at the end of 2003 with the Accoyer Amendment, a Bill that intended to regulate the... (more)

The Singularity of Being: Lacan and the Immortal Within

The Singularity of Being: Lacan and the Immortal Within

by Mari Ruti

  • Paperback £29.99

The Singularity of Being presents a Lacanian vision of what makes each of us an inimitable and irreplaceable creature. It argues that, unlike the "subject" (who comes into existence as a result of... (more)

JCFAR 24: Journal of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research

JCFAR 24: Journal of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research

Edited by Sam Palmer

  • Paperback £15.00


SAM PALMER - Editorial

ROBERTO HARARI – What Varies and Deviates a Lacanian Clinical Practice?

SLAVOJ ZIZEK – Events through ISR

DIANA VORONOVSKY – What it Means to Talk in... (more)

Psychoanalytic Reflections on Politics: Fatherlands in Mothers' Hands

Psychoanalytic Reflections on Politics: Fatherlands in Mothers' Hands

by Eszter Salgo

  • Paperback £38.99

Psychoanalytic Reflections on Politics: Fatherlands in Mothers' Hands is a playful exploration of how people's desires, fantasies, and emotions shape political events and social phenomena. It... (more)

Against Understanding Volume 2: Cases and Commentary in a Lacanian Key

Against Understanding Volume 2: Cases and Commentary in a Lacanian Key

by Bruce Fink

  • Paperback £46.99

Against Understanding, Volume 2 casts a spotlight on the status of case studies in psychoanalysis, which are commonly used to illustrate clinicians’ expertise and mastery rather than patients’ actual... (more)

A Psychoanalyst on the Couch

A Psychoanalyst on the Couch

by Juan-David Nasio

  • Paperback £19.67

In A Psychoanalyst on the Couch we find the noted psychoanalyst and Lacan commentator Juan-David Nasio on the analyst's couch himself. In the interview that makes up this book, he provides insight... (more)

Lacan, Discourse, Event: New Psychoanalytic Approaches to Textual Indeterminacy

Lacan, Discourse, Event: New Psychoanalytic Approaches to Textual Indeterminacy

Edited by Ian Parker, David Pavon Cuellar

  • Paperback £46.99

Lacan, Discourse, Event: New Psychoanalytic Approaches to Textual Indeterminacy is an introduction to the emerging field of Lacanian Discourse Analysis. It includes key papers that lay the... (more)

An Introduction to Electronic Art Through the Teaching of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing

An Introduction to Electronic Art Through the Teaching of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing

by David Schwarz

  • Paperback £51.99

Electronic art offers endless opportunities for reflection and interpretation. Some works are either interactive or entirely autonomous, and the viewer's perception and reaction to them may be... (more)

Premature Birth: The Baby, the Doctor and the Psychoanalyst

Premature Birth: The Baby, the Doctor and the Psychoanalyst

by Catherine Vanier

  • Paperback £35.99

If advances in medical technology now allow babies to be born earlier and survive premature birth, what of the psychical impact of this emergence into the world? What consequences can premature birth... (more)

Hysteria Today

Hysteria Today

Edited by Anouchka Grose

  • Paperback £24.99

Hysteria, one of the most diagnosed conditions in human history, is also one of the most problematic. Can it even be said to exist at all? Since the earliest medical texts people have had something... (more)

Lost in Cognition: Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences

Lost in Cognition: Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences

by Eric Laurent

  • Paperback £28.99

This book examines the pretensions of the new paradigm in psychology that has put itself forward as the model for the future of the clinical disciplines, thereby seeking to put paid to... (more)

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