Psychoanalysis Books

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The Tender Bud

The Tender Bud

by Madeline Meldin

  • Hardback £74.99

232 (more)

The Crowd

The Crowd

by Gustave LeBon

  • Paperback £44.99

Originally published in 1895, 'The Crowd', is one of the best-selling scientific books on social psychology and collective behaviour ever written. It should be of interest to all psychoanalysts, due... (more)



by Alexander Lowen

  • Paperback £11.99

Are you a narcissist? Do you know someone who is? Contrary to popular belief, narcissists do not love themselves, or anyone else. They are people who cannot accept their true selves, constructing... (more)

Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association: A Chinese Brief for Edward Westermarck

Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association: A Chinese Brief for Edward Westermarck

by Arthur P. Wolf

  • Hardback £81.00

This text challenges the basis of Freudian psychology by showing that its explanation of the incest taboo is unfounded. Based on a study of over fourteen thousand Chinese women, it shows that there... (more)

Oedipus: A folklore casebook

Oedipus: A folklore casebook

by Lowell Edmunds, Alan Dundes

  • Paperback £20.95

Looking beyond the story related in Sophocles' drama this book examines variants of the Oedipus tale from around the world. Taking sociological, psychological, anthropological and structuralist... (more)

The Idea of the Past: History, Science and Practice in American Psychoanalysis

The Idea of the Past: History, Science and Practice in American Psychoanalysis

by Leonard J. Lamm

  • Paperback £25.99

Looks at the different theories of the psychoanalytic past - from object relations, to Lacanianism, to ego psychology. 320 pages. (more)

The Freudians: A Comparative Perspective

The Freudians: A Comparative Perspective

by Edith Kurzweil

  • Paperback £42.99

Explains how psychoanalysis took root in each country, outlines the history of the various psychoanalytic institutions, and describes how Freudian doctrine has been transmitted by aesthetic values,... (more)

Falling backwards: An exploration of trust and self-experience

Falling backwards: An exploration of trust and self-experience

by Doris Brothers

  • Hardback £22.00

Once the premise that we are dependent on one another for the provision of psychological experiences essential to selfhood is accepted, the need to trust and to be trusted assumes an essential role... (more)

Self Analysis

Self Analysis

by Karen Horney

  • Paperback £14.49

This text discusses how individuals can use the techniques of psychoanalysis to solve problems on their own. It covers topics such as: the way neuroses work; the different stages of psychoanalytical... (more)

Final Lectures

Final Lectures

by Karen Horney

  • Paperback £14.99

Addressed to the author's class of psychoanalysts in training during the last year of her life, these lectures focus on: the patient-therapist relationship; the process of psychoanalysis from the... (more)

Feminine Psychology

Feminine Psychology

by Karen Horney

  • Paperback £14.99

Topics discussed include: frigidity, maternal conflicts, distrust between the sexes and feminine masochism. (more)

The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philisophical Critique

The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philisophical Critique

by Adolf Grunbaum

  • Paperback £29.00

A comprehensive and systematic philisophical examinations of Freud's own arguements for his theoretical and therapeutic enterprise. 310 pages. (more)

Nietzsche's Presence in Freud's Life and Thought: On the Origins of a Psychology of Dynamic Mental Functioning

Nietzsche's Presence in Freud's Life and Thought: On the Origins of a Psychology of Dynamic Mental Functioning

by Ronald Lehrer

  • Hardback £24.78

Although Freud wrote that Nietzsche had 'anticipated' psychoanalytic concepts, he denied any direct influence on this thought. This book examines in detail the nature of Freud's relationship to the... (more)

Dual Alliance: Freud as a Modern Jew

Dual Alliance: Freud as a Modern Jew

by Moshe Gresser

  • Paperback £24.78

Drawing on Freud's correspondence, this book argues that his Jewishness was - in fact - a source of energy and pride for him, and that he identified with both the Jewish and humanist traditions. The... (more)

Discovering the History of Psychiatry

Discovering the History of Psychiatry

Edited by Mark S. Micale

  • Hardback £85.00

Contains essays which trace the evolution of scientific writing on psychiatry, exploring historical figures and movements as well as the history of the asylum, biographies of Freud, and popular... (more)

Self Inquiry

Self Inquiry

by M. Robert Gardner

  • Paperback £32.99

121 pages. (more)

The Essentials of Psychoanalysis

The Essentials of Psychoanalysis

by Herbert S. Strean

  • Paperback £38.99

x Examines how therapists can utilise the essential concepts of psychoanalytic theory and practice and incorporate them into their daily therapeutic work. (more)

Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self

Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self

Edited by John Fiscalini

  • Hardback £88.00

Discusses narcissism and the problems of the self, and defines the differences between the interpersonal view-point and other schools. (more)

The Intimate Edge: Extending the Reach of Psychoanalytic Interaction

The Intimate Edge: Extending the Reach of Psychoanalytic Interaction

by Darlene B. Ehrenberg

  • Paperback £21.50

From an interactive perspective, the author proposes a "theory of therapeutic action". Using case examples, she looks at intense encounters and playfulness in a way that is based in traditional... (more)

Hypothesis and Evidence in Psychoanalysis

Hypothesis and Evidence in Psychoanalysis

by Marshall Edelson

  • Paperback £26.00

A scholar, psychologist, physician, and experienced psychoanalyst, Marshall Edelson is uniquely qualified to respond to questions about the scientific status of psychoanalysis. He has written this... (more)

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