Affect and Emotion: A Brief Psychoanalytic Tour

Author(s) : Graham Music

Affect and Emotion: A Brief Psychoanalytic Tour

Book Details

  • Publisher : Mind-Nurturing Books
  • Published : July 2022
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 104
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 96718
  • ISBN 13 : 9781739814748
  • ISBN 10 : 1739814746
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Why are emotions so vital to living our best life? How do psychoanalytic ideas shed light on this? What are the key things we really need to know about feelings? What is the difference between emotions, affects, and feelings?

Emotions are at the heart of psychotherapy, indeed of all relationships, and of life in general. Using examples from the consulting room and everyday life, Music shows how emotional decision-making is often unconscious, how early experiences influence later attachment relationships, and how the body is the seat of emotions. We learn about the effects of both trauma and neglect on emotional capacities, why some people seem to feel too much, others too little, and we see the negative effects of feelings being disowned, repressed, projected, and defended against.

This small volume is a fully revised and updated edition of a book first published by the Freud Museum. It illustrates how psychoanalytic insights get to the heart of our emotional and affective lives. The central message is that a good understanding of emotions enables us to tolerate a broader range of experiences, both positive and negative, and enhances our capacity to live fuller and richer lives.

Reviews and Endorsements

“Dr. Graham Music has provided us with a true gem of psychological richness, unearthing the hidden world of emotions with great clarity and wisdom. Composed with admirable concision, this highly readable book draws upon the insights of psychoanalysis, traumatology, neuroscience, and, also, classical literature, and helps us to appreciate the secret underbelly of our affects and emotions.” Professor Brett Kahr, Honorary Director of Research, Freud Museum London, and Visiting Professor of Psychoanalysis and Mental Health, Regent’s University London.

‘This book gets to the heart of what is important about emotions. Integrating deep clinical understanding with psychoanalysis and science, it is a short enjoyable read which will be of immense help to professionals, therapists and any interested readers'.. Ivan Ward, Emeritus Director of Learning, Freud Museum.

‘Affect and Emotion is a must-read, primer for both students, experienced practitioners and anyone interested in the mind. Music’s curiosity and wisdom enrich understanding of how to deepen relationships with ourselves and others.’ Jane O’Rourke, founder of MINDinMIND and child, adolescent and family psychotherapist.

About the Author(s)

Graham Music is a Consultant Child Psychotherapist and Associate Clinical Director at the Tavistock Clinic in London. His main clinical interests are in developing services in community settings such as schools, and in working with children who are Looked after or adopted, and the adults in their lives. He teaches on many courses and trainings in Britain, and abroad, is on the editorial board of the child psychotherapy journal and has published particularly on the interface of developmental research and therapeutic practice. He is also an adult psychotherapist working in private practice.

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Customer Reviews

Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.

Rebecca Bourhill on 26/08/2022 12:52:40

Rating1Rating2Rating3Rating4Rating5 (5 out of 5)

In Dr Graham Music’s 2022 revised copy of Affect and Emotion Graham uses a balance of stories from clinical Practice and research to guide you through a series of chapters. In the introduction he gives an in-depth explanation of the differences between Affect, Emotion and feelings and then goes onto other topics such as Managing Loss to Neglect and Trauma. The book is an enlightening read and is written in a way that both clinicians and people interested in Psychotherapy can understand. Most of the terminology used is explained and examples given. For those with little background in psychotherapy this is a great book to read to understand more about emotional states, however there may be some terminology that one would need to research and get further explanation on.

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