Agnes's Broken Dreams

Author(s) : Judy King

Agnes's Broken Dreams

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It has been thirty years since Agnes last visited the country of her birth and upbringing. While it is at the request of her aging, narcissistic mother, she has her own reasons for making the journey to Australia from her home on Mallorca.

Something has blighted her life since childhood. Something has cast such a long shadow over her existence that her ability to grasp at life fully, to appreciate her own sense of self-worth, to attain any semblance of happiness, to trust without reservation, has been damaged. Those whom she chooses, and who choose her, seem to want only to exploit her.

Having undergone a long period of psychotherapy, Agnes can now return to re-experience the places that featured in her youth in the hope that burning questions will be answered, haunting mysteries solved, and buried memories let out into the light...

This is the vibrant, heartening, and often amusing tale of a buoyant and irrepressible woman whose natural energy and determination continue to drive her forward. Having reached middle age, she is determined to grapple with - and heal - the ills that have beset her.

About the Author(s)

Judy King grew up in Australia; she has travelled through Southeast Asia, Japan, Mexico and the USA, and has spent time living in London, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Judy attended the Lambeth School of Arts, and graduated from a ceramics course at the Sydney College of the Arts. She currently resides in Mallorca, where she creates sculptures and ceramics.

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