An Analytic Journey: From the Art of Archery to the Art of Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : Marilia Aisenstein, Translator : Andrew Weller

An Analytic Journey: From the Art of Archery to the Art of Psychoanalysis

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : July 2017
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 250
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 39411
  • ISBN 13 : 9781782205333
  • ISBN 10 : 1782205330
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This book is a journey through almost forty years of practice. Each chapter is independent of the others and develops around a specific theme: psychoanalysis in France, the transference, fathers today, psychic bisexuality, the sick body, human destructivity, and so on. The underlying thread is none the less the question of knowing how the drive operates between the biological body and mental functioning consisting of representations and affects, and, especially, how it gives rise to thinking.

If thinking is an “act of the flesh”, as the author asserts, how can we refine our understanding of the vicissitudes of the “mysterious leap from the mind to the body”? Furthermore, how does Freudian metapsychology still help us today in our encounters with patients? Contemporary clinical practice is sometimes bewildering: acts, violence, pain, and somatization often replace neurotic conflicts and speech. The clinical stories related here have the aim of showing that a psychoanalysis rooted in the Freudian corpus is still alive and can continue to offer creative responses today.

Reviews and Endorsements

An Analytic Journey is a wonderful collection of Marilia Aisenstein’s writings, attesting to her long and outstanding career as a psychoanalyst. Reading this book felt akin to embarking on a fascinating analytic journey through new and exciting psychic terrains, led by the most original of guides. The author is an engaging and creative writer who shares her discoveries and explorations both in terms of content and approach in an ever-changing world. Especially intriguing is the way Aisenstein’s writing bears witness to her own personal and professional growth. This is one psychoanalytic journey not to be missed.’
- Antonino Ferro, president of the Italian Psychoanalytical Society

‘Representing the best of the French psychoanalytic tradition, Marilia Aisenstein seamlessly blends the foundational work of Freud with the important contributions of Lacan, Laplanche, Green, Pontalis, Marty, and M’Uzan. She tackles a wide range of topics, including the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis, the father’s role in development, bisexuality, the destruction of thought process, and, above all, the indissoluble unity of psyche and soma. The last-mentioned topic is Aisenstein’s forte and she is undoubtedly the finest scholar and practitioner of psychoanalysis in this realm. The ample material provided from her clinical work makes this book humane, lively, and deeply convincing.’
- Salman Akhtar, MD, training and supervising analyst, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia

About the Author(s)

Marilia Aisenstein is a member and training analyst of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and of the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society. A past President of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society, past President of l'Institut de Psychosomatique de Paris, former European representative to the Board, and former Chair of International Psychoanalytical Association International New Groups, she is the author of many papers and publications about psychosomatics and received the Bouvet Award in 1992.

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