An Introduction to Modern CBT: Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems

Author(s) : Stefan G. Hofmann

An Introduction to Modern CBT: Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems

Book Details

  • Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell
  • Published : 2011
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 236
  • Category :
    Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies
  • Catalogue No : 32806
  • ISBN 13 : 9780470971758
  • ISBN 10 : 9780470971
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An Introduction to Modern CBT provides an easily accessible introduction to modern theoretical cognitive behavioral therapy models. The text outlines the different techniques, their success in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and important new developments in the field.

• Provides an easy-to-read introduction into modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches with specific case examples and hands-on treatment techniques

• Discusses the theoretical models of CBT, outlines the different techniques that have been shown to be successful in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and describes important new developments in the field

• Offers useful guidance for therapists in training and is an invaluable reference tool for experienced clinicians

About the Author(s)

Stefan G. Hofmann, is Professor of Psychology at Boston University and the Director of the Psychotherapy and Emotion Research Laboratory. The incoming President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, he is widely published with more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and 10 books, including An Introduction to Modern CBT and The Art and Science of Psychotherapy..

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