Approaching Psychoanalysis: An Introductory Course

Author(s) : David L. Smith

Approaching Psychoanalysis: An Introductory Course

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 1999
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 252
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 8298
  • ISBN 13 : 9781855751576
  • ISBN 10 : 1855751577
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A comprehensive user-friendly introductory account of Freudian theory and other major currents in psychoanalytic thought. It also includes biographical material on the major theorists. It helps to clear up many misconceptions about psychoanalytic theory and will be useful for students and professionals alike.

Reviews and Endorsements

'In Approaching Psychoanalysis, David Livingstone Smith has written a solid yet user friendly near full-spectrum introductory account of Freudian theory and other major currents in psychoanalytic thought. An interesting aspect of this book is Smith's inclusion of biographical material on the major theorists. Clearing up many misconceptions about psychoanalytic theory, the book is not only useful for professionals in the mental health field, it's downright instructive. Throughout the pages, Smith keeps a critical and scientific eye open. Most refreshing!'
- Robert E. Haskell, PhD.

'This very readable book successfully combines a didactic exposition with a critical articulation of the some of the essential philosophical and scientific issues besetting Freud's psychoanalytic theory, as well as some of its post-Freudian modifications. The educated non specialist reader will find it at once didactically instructive and critically illuminating.'
- Adolf Grunbaum

'The study of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy is now a burgeoning academic and clinical endeavor. This book certainly fills a gap in the literature, providing one of the best single-volume critical introductions to numerous competing ideas and theories. These are expertly summarized and intelligently discussed in a way that students (and the qualified) will find very helpful. The author is well versed in the history of ideas and the philosophy of science, and this adds extra authority to the commentary. A timely and valuable book.'
- Andrew Samuels

'This is an interesting, informative and readable book. It is at once erudite and scholarly and yet easily accessible to the novice seeking some understanding of psychoanalysis, without failing in either endeavour.

'…Smith's book is one that can be usefully read by those who have some or no introduction to psychoanalysis and who have an interest in deepening their understanding of it. I can recommend this book.'
Antony Gleeson, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy

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