Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances: The Impact of the Assessment Framework

Editor : Hedy Cleaver, Editor : Pamela Meadows, Editor : Steve Walker

Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances: The Impact of the Assessment Framework

Book Details

  • Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
  • Published : January 2004
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
    Child and Adolescent Studies
  • Catalogue No : 92302
  • ISBN 13 : 9781843101598
  • ISBN 10 : 1843101599
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Cleaver and Walker show how the principles embodied in the assessment framework have actually been applied in childcare provision. They lay out clear implications for practitioners and managers, identifying key areas where support and training are needed.

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Drawing on in-depth interviews with social workers and their managers, and families and young people themselves, the authors of this important book show how the principles embodied in the Assessment Framework have been applied to social work practice. Revisiting the principles outlined in the legislative context and the Assessment Framework, they show how the focus on assessment has affected the work with children, and the experiences of children and families themselves.

The authors identify a range of issues that influence the implementation of the Assessment Framework, including the key areas where support and training are needed. They review social workers' and other professionals' appraisal of how the Assessment Framework affects individual practice and inter-agency collaboration, as well as exploring how satisfied young people and their parents are with the assessments they are involved in. Finally, they examine the cost to social services of undertaking a core assessment.

Emphasising the importance of a joined-up child care service, the authors' findings have been taken into account in the development of the Integrated Children's System. This book should be read by all those professionals who are working to promote the welfare and well-being of children.

Author biographies:

Hedy Cleaver is a Professorial Research Fellow in the Department of Health and Social Care at Royal Holloway, University London. She is both a qualified social worker and psychologist, and worked as a practitioner before embarking on a career in social work research.

Steve Walker has over twenty years' experience as a practitioner, manager and trainer in children and family social work. He is currently a Research Fellow at Royal Holloway College, University of London.

Pamela Meadows is an economist with strng social policy interests and both academic and policy evaluation experience.

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