Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.3 No.3

Editor : Joseph Schwartz

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Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.3 No.3

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Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis is a leading edge journal for clinicians working relationally with their clients; it is a professional journal, featuring cultural articles, politics, reviews and poetry relevant to attachment and relational issues; an inclusive journal welcoming contributions from clinicians of all orientations seeking to make a contribution to attachment approaches to clinical work. It includes up to date briefings on latest developments in neuroscience relevant to psychotherapy and counseling and is an international journal with contributions from colleagues from different countries and cultures.

Contents in this issue include: David Leevers on the different aetiology of DID and schizophrenia; Dick Blackwell on the politics of working with torture victims; Carolyn Spring on twenty helpful things her therapists said; Brett Kahr's personal reminiscences of Dr John Bowlby, "a Gentleman Psychoanalyst".

Struggling with Abandonment and Attachment in Relational Psychotherapy - Rachel Wingfield
The Great British Childhood Robbery - Simon Partridge
Not NICE: Science and Psychoanalysis Yet Again - Joseph Schwartz
From Attachment to Collaboration: Dissociation and Schizophrenia - David Leevers
Torture, Trauma and Human Rights: Psychotherapy with Victims of Torture and Organized Violence - Dick Blackwell
The Attachment of Domestic Workers to the Children They Help to Raise - Jana van der Merwe and Renate Gericke
'Becoming Three-Dimensional': A Clinical Exploration of the Links Between Dissociation, Disorganized Attachment, and Mentalization - Sue Wright
On Disorganized Attachment - Lesley Ash
Twenty Helpful Things My Therapists Said - Carolyn Spring
The Canadian Residential School Experience: A Personal Perspective - Mary Courchene
Poems - Jenny Wootton; Helen Ramsbottom; Gill Denne
Commentary on State Regulation - Andrew Enever
Dr John Bowlby: Personal Reminiscences of a Gentleman Psychoanalyst - Brett Kahr
Book Reviews: The Making of Them: The British Attitude to Children and the Boarding School
(2000) by Nick Duffell - Joy Schaverien
Contemporary Body Therapy: The Chiron Approach (2009) edited by Linda Hartley - Liat Levy
Sex, Attachment, and Couple Psychotherapy (2007) edited by Christopher Clulow - Jenny Riddell
Summaries and Keywords
List of Contributors
Notes to Contributors

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis is a leading edge journal for clinicians working relationally with their clients; it is a professional journal, not an academic journal, featuring cultural articles, politics, reviews and poetry relevant to attachment and relational issues; an inclusive journal welcoming contributions from clinicians of all orientations seeking to make a contribution to attachment approaches to clinical work. It includes up to date briefings on latest developments in neuroscience relevant to psychotherapy and counseling and is an international journal with contributions from colleagues from different countries and cultures.

About the Editor(s)

Joseph Schwartz is a training therapist and supervisor at the Bowlby Centre. He worked for over fifteen years in mental health research before becoming a clinician. He is the author of numerous papers on clinical practice, the history of psychoanalysis, and the lack of a role of genetics in mental distress. He has also written numerous books including Einstein for Beginners. He currently lives in London with his partner and two children.

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