Bad Therapy: Master Therapists Share Their Worst Failures

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2002
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 240
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 17503
- ISBN 13 : 9780415933230
- ISBN 10 : 0415933234
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This volume offers a rare and revealing glimpse into the mindset and actions of some of the profession's most seasoned and well-known authors, theoreticians and leaders. Kottler and Carlson guide us through these honest and poignant accounts of failure and entertaining stories of encouragement. Nobly revisiting their therapeutic mishaps and foibles, twenty-two leading clinicians show how moments of fallibility result in lessons that constructively lead to mastery.
About the Author(s)
Jeffrey A. Kottler is professor, Department of Counseling, California State University, Fullerton. He is the author or co-author of more than eighty books. He is also head of the Madhav Ghimire Foundation, which provides scholarships for at-risk girls in Nepal.
More titles by Jeffrey A. Kottler
Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD, ABPP is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Counseling at Governors State University, University Park, Illinois and a Psychologist with the Wellness Clinic in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. He is the author of 50 books, 150 articles and developed and produced over 250 commercial videotapes that feature the most prominent leaders in the field.
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