Becoming a Therapist: On the Path to Mastery
Book Details
- Publisher : John Wiley
- Published : 2012
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 320
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 33908
- ISBN 13 : 9780470403747
- ISBN 10 : 9780470403
Also by Thomas M. Skovholt
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All practitioners start with the novice voyage involving excitement, intensity, anxiety, and challenge. A good beginning increases the chance for maximum professional functioning in later years. Becoming a Therapist explores the intense experiences of developing counselors, psychologists, and other helping professionals, and helps them understand how their own emergent needs and internal processes affect their ability to help current or future clients. Blending theory and technique with many novel ideas, the book focuses on the experience of those who are new to the field rather than simply focusing on development of specific skills.
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