Boring Records?: Communication, Speech and Writing in Social Work
Book Details
- Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
- Published : 1996
- Category :
Counselling - Category 2 :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 7231
- ISBN 13 : 9781853023255
- ISBN 10 : 1853023256
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Basing its ideas on research material obtained within multidisciplinary child-guidance clinics, this book makes clear the complexity and importance of case recording; challenges the notion of record keeping as a mundane chore and places record keeping in the context of a network of communication. 250 Introduction; record keeping in child care social work; the clinical social worker's perspective; method of work; descriptions of recording systems; records of direct work with children; purposes of records kept by child guidance social workers; issues of communication and language; access to personal files; statements of special educational needs; The client's view; method of work; location and purpose of the record; communication: speech versus writing; information: power, surveillance, stigma; statements of special educational needs; communication by children - art work; client participation in recording; theory and practice - process in recording; an action research approach; method of work; description of the agency; selection of sample cases; action research finding - broad themes; who is the client? confidentiality and third parties; information - index and source of power; recording and professional negotiation; conversation, language and text; the social worker-researcher's experience of the change in practice; action research findings - participation; introduction; parental response to participation; timing and the 'life' of the case; conversation, language and text; effect of situational factors; ownership of information; availability of records to clients; empowerment and enhanced therapy.
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