Brief Therapy Conversations: Exploring Efficient Intervention in Psychotherapy

Author(s) : Michael F. Hoyt, Author(s) : Flavio Cannistrà

Brief Therapy Conversations: Exploring Efficient Intervention in Psychotherapy

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Brief Therapy Conversations features stimulating discussions between two international experts about essential topics, including the importance of the therapeutic relationship, the role of diagnosis, the therapist’s mindset, specific techniques and guiding logics, therapist development, and likely future trends. It explores a wide range of literature and ideas on brief therapy and single-session therapy. For those interested in time-sensitive treatment, several expanded journal articles are included that provide additional insights into ways to improve therapeutic efficiency.

Reader friendly and conversational in format, this book is essential reading for professionals involved in brief therapy research, teaching, and practice.

Reviews and Endorsements

Brief therapy is best seen as a conversation. What better way, therefore, to unlock the mysteries of this way of working than through a series of conversations between a senior master and his most talented junior colleague. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Both parts of the book are full of wisdom. If you buy only one book this year, buy this one. - Windy Dryden is emeritus professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies at Goldsmiths University, London, and author of Single-Session Therapy: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

The conversations between Michael and Flavio elicit so much that makes therapy efficient and effective as well as compassionate and authentic. This book can help you to be a better therapist, and maybe a better person. - Jeff Young is director of The Bouverie Centre and professor of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and author of No Bullshit Therapy: How to Engage People Who Don't Want to Work with You

This book is unique and full of wonderful ideas and suggestions. The authors cover an amazing number of subjects and ways of doing therapy, all of which are thoroughly documented in the footnotes and references. Readers will enjoy meeting the authors and listening in on their conversations. - Rubin Battino is author of Using Guided Imagery and Hypnosis in Brief Therapy and Palliative Care

This is a must-read for therapists and clients who wish to help and be helped effectively by psychotherapy. Michael F. Hoyt (representing the experienced elder of the tribe) and Flavio Cannistrà (representing the young and the eager to learn) have a great affinity and mutual respect for one another. Their conversations over the course of several years are inspiring, knowledgeable and refreshingly clear and practical. They support the conversations with helpful guidelines and references to enrich greatly readers of all levels. - Moshe Talmon is author of Single-Session Therapy: Maximizing the Effect of the First (and Often Only) Therapeutic Encounter and Single Session Solutions: A Guide to Practical, Effective, and Affordable Therapy

About the Author(s)

Michael F. Hoyt, PhD, is a psychologist based in Mill Valley, California. An internationally recognized teacher and supervisor, he has received numerous honors and awards. His publications include Some Stories Are Better than Others, The Present is a Gift, Brief Psychotherapies: Principles and Practices, The Handbook of Constructive Therapies, and Therapist Stories of Inspiration, Passion, and Renewal: What's Love Got to Do with It?

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Flavio Cannistrà, Psy.D., is a psychologist based in Rome, Italy. He is the founder and co-director of the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy and of the ICNOS Institute, an international postgraduate training institute specializing in strategic and systemic brief psychotherapies. His publications include Single-Session Therapy: Principles and Practices and Terapia Breve Centrata Sulla Soluzione: Principi e Pratiche (Solution Focused Brief Therapy: Principles and Practices).   

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