Can the World Afford Autistic Spectrum Disorder? Nonverbal Communication, Asperger Syndrome and the Interbrain

Book Details
- Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
- Published : January 2009
- Cover : Hardback
- Pages : 256
- Category :
Autism and Aspergers - Catalogue No : 28321
- ISBN 13 : 9781843106944
- ISBN 10 : 1843106949
Also by Digby Tantam
Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Lifespan
Price £93.99
Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Life Span
Price £38.99
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The world affords to most of us a web of subliminal nonverbal communication that regulates our minds, indicates whether our beliefs have, or have not, social approval, and generally guides us. People with autism do not seem to be influenced by these subliminal signals as much as others, and this results in the difficulties in social interaction that are so characteristic of all the autistic spectrum disorders. How is such nonverbal communication carried out, and why do people on the autism spectrum find it so difficult? What are the consequences of this for them, and how do these consequences affect their personality, self-awareness, and sense of place in the world? Digby Tantam explores current theories on nonverbal communication and how it shapes social behaviour, and the evidence for it being impaired in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He shows how knowledge of this difference can be used to overcome some of the impairments in nonverbal communication in people with ASD, but also how acknowledging them can result in more positive development elsewhere. This groundbreaking book will be fascinating reading for anyone interested in communication, as well as people who have ASD themselves, their families, and all professionals working with people on the autism spectrum.
Reviews and Endorsements
'Dr. Tantam's book takes us through a fascinating tour of a world where social experience is essentially the co-creation of people engaged in fast, broad, and essentially nonverbal "inter-action". Words are slow, linear, and often obfuscate rather than illuminate others' intentions. This vastly neglected area of research is also likely the single greatest challenge for individuals with autism. Thus in one stroke Dr. Tantam both compels us to uphold social intuition for investigation, and helps us to appreciate what social contact is in the absence of this invisible glue.'
- Ami Klin, Ph.D., Director of Autism Program, Harris Professor of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Yale Child Study Center
'This thoughtful new book by Professor Digby Tantam is the result of a long career spanning more than two decades focused on understanding the puzzle of autism. As far back as the early 1980s Professor Tantam was studying the related condition of Asperger Syndrome, long before the rest of the English speaking medical community had realized that this subgroup even existed, let alone what its relationship was to classic autism. In this new book, Digby Tantam dissects one of the core 'symptoms' of autism and Asperger Syndrome, namely decoding non-verbal communication. He takes us from the level of behaviour to deep within the brain, to understand how emotional expressions and social signals can be the product of neural systems, and how these can function differently in autism spectrum conditions. And he asks the provocative question of whether such conditions really are disabilities, or whether they bring with them a combination of innocence and originality that are not just attractive but invaluable qualities. Written with the rare combination of scientific curiosity and compassion, this book will enrich both our understanding of and society's stance towards those on the autistic spectrum.'
- Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Director, Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University
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