CBT to Help Young People with Asperger's Syndrome or Mild Autism to Understand and Express Affection: A Manual for Professionals

Author(s) : Tony Attwood, Author(s) : Michelle Garnett

CBT to Help Young People with Asperger's Syndrome or Mild Autism to Understand and Express Affection: A Manual for Professionals

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There are many reasons why people on the autism spectrum may have problems expressing affection through words or gestures, and may not be able to get to grips with the way that neurotypical people show feelings of fondness or distress. The activities in this book are designed to help each child discover how expressing and experiencing affection can improve friendships and relationships. The child will learn to identify their own and others comfort and enjoyment range for gestures, actions and words of affection and the variety of ways they can express liking or loving someone, appropriate to each relationship and situation. The book also guides the adult through the challenges faced by the child they are working with. This book will help any parent or professional wanting to understand and support a child on the autism spectrum who has difficulty expressing affection. It provides them with practical and effective activities to help the child discover and develop ways to show affection.

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