Challenges to Practice
Part of The LCP Practice in Psychotherapy series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2002
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 128
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 16237
- ISBN 13 : 9781855752825
- ISBN 10 : 1855752824
Also by Bernardine Bishop
Ideas in Practice
Price £32.99
Also by Angela Foster
Also by Josephine Klein
Our Need for Others and Its Roots in Infancy
Price £39.99
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The first title in the Practice of Psychotherapy Series that explores the limits of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Each of the five chapters in this book takes up an aspect of this challenge. In an open and enquiring manner, the authors invite readers to share in their thinking as they describe how they use their psychoanalytic skills to understand the nature of particular challenges.
The Practice of Psychotherapy Series is intended to address a wide variety of important and challenging issues confronting those working in diverse contexts as psychoanalytic psychotherapists. Written by members of the respected London Centre for Psychotherapy, this volume offers an honest and stimulating first contribution.
Reviews and Endorsements
'This is the first in an interesting series of books which will explore the limits of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. It takes us vividly into important areas of contemporary discussion and work: the role of therapy compared to analysis and counselling; the place of once-a-week psychotherapy; work with puerperal mothers (and their babies); and support for ill trained health workers whose duties outrun their experience and learning. This book is varied, well-illustrated with cases and vignettes, rigorous in its use of psychoanalytic ideas in unusual settings, and it leaves us optimistic about the potential for fertilising society and mental health work with the ideas and practice from psychoanalytic psychotherapy. We must look forward to more books in this promising series.'
- R.D. Hinshelwood
About the Editor(s)
Bernardine Bishop, the great-granddaughter of the poet Alice Meynell, was one of the witnesses from the Lady Chatterley trial in 1960. After writing two early novels, she taught in a London comprehensive school for ten years and then went on to have a distinguished career as a psychotherapist, during which time she was a member of the London Centre for Psychotherapy and of the Lincoln Centre for Psychotherapy. Cancer forced her retirement in 2010 and thereafter she returned to her first love, fiction.
More titles by Bernardine Bishop
Josephine Klein was an academic for the first twenty years of her professional life and then a psychotherapist in private practice, now retired. She is a Fellow of the London Centre for Psychotherapy and was until recently a member of the British Association of Psychotherapists.
More titles by Josephine Klein
Angela Foster had a career in social work and higher education before training as a psychotherapist. She has a private practice and is a partner in Foster Roberts Cardona, which provides organizational consultancy and professional development services. She teaches at the Tavistock Clinic and has published widely in the field of mental health.
Victoria O'Connell comes from a background of working with children and adolescents who have emotional difficulties and is now a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice.
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