Children, Technology and Healthy Development: How to help kids be safe and thrive online

Author(s) : Catherine Knibbs

Children, Technology and Healthy Development: How to help kids be safe and thrive online

Book Details

Also by Catherine Knibbs

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How can adults keep children safe and healthy online now and in the future? How can we thrive alongside technology? This highly accessible book unpacks the latest psychological research, attachment theory and neurobiology to offer parents and professionals insight into how technology impacts children's development and how to navigate our lives online.

Catherine Knibbs shares her extensive experience to reveal what we know about human behaviour in cyberspace, and particularly that of children using devices, consoles and social media platforms. She offers deeper understanding of how and why children engage online and shows parents and professionals how, rather than being overwhelmed by the dangers and pathologies of cyberspace, we can learn to support children in using technology healthily. She covers key topics including social media use and abuse, impact of screen time, issues around gaming and extreme behaviours online. By the end of this book you will be able to understand your child better, and have an understanding of what is happening in their minds, brains and bodies in relation to the technological and digital world.

Children, Technology and Healthy Development is for all parents, and professionals in psychology, education, social care and the police who are concerned with understanding how we support children in an online world. It will also be valuable reading for those in tech design interested in the impact of technology on the developing human.

About the Author(s)

Catherine Knibbs is a UKCP Child/Adult Psychotherapist with a background in technology, research and practice. She is an Online Harm Consultant, Educator, Author, TEDx Speaker, and Child Safety Advocate in the world of technology. She is the director of Privacy4 and Catherine Knibbs Ltd.

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