Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems

Editor : Amanda Baker, Editor : Richard Velleman

Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2007
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 25050
  • ISBN 13 : 9781583917763
  • ISBN 10 : 1583917764

Also by Richard Velleman

Risk and Resilience

Risk and Resilience

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Co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems occur frequently in primary care and clinical settings. Despite this, health professionals rarely receive training in how to detect, assess and formulate interventions for co-existing problems and few clinical guidelines exist. This handbook provides an exciting and highly useful addition to this area. Leading clinicians from the UK, the US and Australia provide practical descriptions of assessments and interventions for co-existing problems. These will enable professionals working with co-existing problems to understand best practice, ensuring that people with co-existing problems receive optimal treatment. A range of overarching approaches are covered, including: Working within a cognitive behavioural framework; Provision of consultation-liaison services, training and supervision; Individual, group and family interventions; and Working with rurally isolated populations. The contributors also provide detailed descriptions of assessments and treatments for a range of disorders when accompanied by drug and alcohol problems, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and learning difficulties. The "Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems" will enhance clinicians' confidence in working with people with co-existing problems. It will prove a valuable resource for all psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers and all those working in both primary and secondary care health settings.

About the Editor(s)

Richard Velleman is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, and Professor of Mental Health Research at the University of Bath. He has a keen interest in evidence-based service development, and has founded and led statutory addictions services, a family and psychosis service, developed a national scheme to train volunteer counsellors, and worked as an NHS Trust Board Director. Dr Velleman has published over 200 books, chapters, and journal papers on a range of counselling and other mental health topics.

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