Co-Creative Transactional Analysis: Papers, Responses, Dialogues, and Developments

Author(s) : Keith Tudor, Author(s) : Graeme Summers

Co-Creative Transactional Analysis: Papers, Responses, Dialogues, and Developments

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Also by Keith Tudor

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Co-creative transactional analysis is an approach to a particular branch of psychology which, as the phrase suggests, emphasises the “co-” (mutual, joint) aspect of professional relationships, whether therapeutic, educative and/or consultative – and, by implication, of personal relationships. The “co-” of co-creative acknowledges the transactional, inter-relational, mutual, joint, and co-operative, as well as partnership.

With its roots in field theory and social constructivism, and based on guiding principles which emphasise “we” psychology, shared responsibility, and present-centred development, co-creative transactional analysis offers a re-reading of transactional analysis – and, more broadly, of other approaches to psychology and psychotherapy – which emphasises health alongside illness and pathology; dialogue and discourse; the active engagement and participation of the therapist in the therapeutic endeavour; and the potential and possibilities of relationships and therapeutic relating.

Co-creative transactional analysis is very much part of the contemporary concern regarding the “relational turn” in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and counselling, and represents a “two-person psychology’ and, arguably, a “two-person-plus psychology”.

Developed by the authors over some fifteen years, the co-creative approach has found a resonance not only amongst psychotherapists, but also educationalists, consultants and coaches.

The book itself represents and reflects the co-creative approach in that it is based on a critical dialogue between the authors themselves about their collaborative and independent work, as well as between invited contributors and the authors.

It is anticipated that the book will further the constructivist approach to therapy and coaching whereby meaning constantly evolves through dialogue, discourse creates systems and the co-creation of new or novel experiences and narratives provide new relational possibilities or ways of being with each other.

Reviews and Endorsements

‘This long-awaited book by Keith Tudor and Graeme Summers is a major contribution to transactional analysis (TA). The authors reprise their original model of co-creative TA and then go on to offer us a co-created dialogue that explores how their thinking and practice has developed – both individually and together – over the last fifteen years. They demonstrate in the book the very best of creativity in relationship. It is a must-read for anyone in the field of psychotherapy, counselling,
or coaching.’
— Professor Charlotte Sills, Metanoia Institute and Ashridge Business School

‘The traditional core concepts of transactional analysis established by Eric Berne and the other founding pioneers always felt unfinished. I could never formulate what was missing. Keith Tudor and Graeme Summers have filled the gap by describing the dynamic of co-creation. I consider this book deserving of being embraced as the current definitive text of transactional analysis theory and practice.’
— Evan M. Sherrard, TSTA (Retired), International Transactional Analysis Association

‘The authors’ co-creativity shines through in this fascinating book. The thinking throughout is humanistic, grounded, challenging, and positive. The combination of willed self, shared responsibility, and limited conscious control creates the conundrums of therapeutic, coaching and other demanding relationships that require just this kind of intelligent and clear attention.’
— Professor Nigel Nicholson, London Business School, author of The ‘I’ of Leadership

‘Built solidly on the background and context of co-creative transactional analysis, the theory is fleshed out step by step and given life and colour through the description of the methodology. The inclusion of contributions from other transactional analysis theorists gives this volume added depth, diversity, and value.’
— Charlotte Daellenbach, TSTA(P), International Transactional Analysis Association

‘Professionals involved in helping others heal, change, and grow will find sophisticated guidance and provocative questions to take their work forward. They will also find a vivid illustration of the kind of ongoing dialogues that both free up and ground the individuality and insight of all involved.’
— Gianpiero Petriglieri, Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour, INSEAD

‘These experienced practitioners thoughtfully grasp and constructively transcend limitations in their initial training while retaining the value of its core approach.’
— Professor Herbert Hahn, Member the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, and the International Organisation of Group Analytic Psychotherapy

About the Author(s)

Keith Tudor is Professor of Psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand, where he is currently engaged in establishing an entity for research in the psychological therapies. He is the author of over 300 peer-reviewed publications, including 17 books.

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Graeme Summers is a freelance Executive Coach and Trainer based in the United Kingdom. He works for several international business schools including London Business School and Ashridge in the UK, and IMD in Switzerland. He coaches senior executives working in many different sectors from all over the globe and has worked in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. He is a member of the Steering Group of the International Association of Relational Transactional Analysis. He is a Certified Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy) and, prior to his coaching career, was a psychotherapist for nineteen years. He was also Director of Training for the Counselling and Psychotherapy Training Institute in Edinburgh where he led a United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy recognised Transactional Analysis training program. He is married, has four children and lives in Gloucestershire, UK where he enjoys countryside walks especially when it is not raining.

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