Communicating with Vulnerable Patients: A Novel Psychological Approach
Part of The Forensic Psychotherapy Monograph series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : January 2023
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 240
- Category :
Forensic - Category 2 :
Bargain and Discounted Titles - Catalogue No : 96993
- ISBN 13 : 9781032140421
- ISBN 10 : 9781032140
Also by M. Leticia Franieck
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Communicating with Vulnerable Patients explores ways to improve the communication process between highly vulnerable patients and the therapist, based on the assumption of the permanent presence of an ‘outsider’ or potential space in the communication field between them. In this space, the therapist and highly vulnerable patients can undergo transitional states of mind established between and within their relationship.
Leticia Castrechini-Franieck, also known as Maria Leticia Castrechini Fernandes Franieck, presents practical methods to overcome communication issues and engage therapeutically with highly vulnerable patients suffering from personality disorders, addiction, and trauma, as well as with deprived children. Communicating with Vulnerable Patients is presented in five parts, with Part one focused on building communication through a Transient Interactive Communication Approach (TICA) and Part two applying TICA in forensic settings with five case studies illustrating the approach in a range of contexts. Part three considers TICA in intercultural settings, including work with refugees, and Part four outlines adaptations of the approach, including T-WAS (Together We Are Strong), which aims to avoid an increase of antisocial behavior in deprived children, and the use of TICA in the COVID-19 pandemic. The book concludes in Part five with reflections on outcomes and limitations of both TICA and T-WAS.
Communicating with Vulnerable Patients will be invaluable reading for professionals, psychotherapists, group therapists, and group analysts working with at-risk populations.
Reviews and Endorsements
This fascinating book reveals, in clear and in-depth form, the vicissitudes faced by therapists dealing with people in distressing social situations. It deals with prisoners, refugees, children with antisocial tendencies and other traumatised and highly vulnerable groups. The author shows us how she carefully develops therapeutic resources that can facilitate communication among people from diverse backgrounds, allowing them to feel themselves fully human and able to live in the societies that welcome them.
Roosevelt Cassorla, Training Analyst of the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Association, Sigourney Award 2017
Leticia Castrechini-Franieck has written an important book based on her forensic and psychoanalytic training in which she communicates, critically, the necessity for an experiential approach to the understanding and treatment of marginalized, traumatized and highly vulnerable individuals. The timely subject of social and cultural ‘outsiders’ is front and center. Many clinicians today find that a developmental, ontological psychoanalytic perspective that emphasizes experience rather than the deployment of knowledge, yields valuable clinical results. Castrechini-Franieck achieves this in a difficult clinical context in ways that will reward the reader. I strongly recommend this book.
Paul Williams, Psychoanalyst. Trained at The British Psychoanalytic Society
Table of Contents
List of Contributors
Series Editor's Foreword
Part I - On Building Communication
1. Handling, mastering, and integrating personal and factual reality
2. On intercultural interactional communication
3. TICA –Transient Interactive Communication Approach
Part II - TICA in Forensic Settings
4. TICA in withdrawal therapy
5. TICA in pretrial detention
Part III - TICA in Intercultural Settings
6. TICA in short-term therapy with traumatized refugees
7. TICA in multicultural team supervision
Part IV - TICA Adaptations (Variations)
8. T-WAS - Together We Are Strong with contribution from Niko Bittner
9. TICA in the COVID-19 pandemic with contribution from Niko Bittner
Part V - Reflections on TICA
10. Outcomes and limitations
About the Author(s)
M. Leticia Franieck grew up in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, and studied psychology at the University of Sao Paulo. She practiced as Clinical Psychologist in Brazil for many years before moving to Germany in 2000. There she carried out research into cultural differences in latency children's representations of family relationships under the supervision of Michael Günter, leading to the award of her PhD in 2005. Since then she has lived in Brazil and Germany continuing her research into children's representations at the University of Tubingen. She is currently researching Brazilian street children in order to understand their strengths and their vulnerabilities. Her clinical practice is in a specialist treatment unit for offenders with drug and alcohol problems. She learnt a lot about latency from her twin sons and now is learning from them about adolescence!
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