Counseling at the Beginning: Interventions and Issues in Infancy and Early Childhood

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : July 2019
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 224
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Counselling - Catalogue No : 94542
- ISBN 13 : 9781138960671
- ISBN 10 : 9781138960
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Counseling at the Beginning is a thorough, practice-based guide for counselors who serve the mental health needs of very young children and their families. Chapters based on current developmental psychology research prepare mental health, school, and addictions counselors to work with pregnant women and children under the age of 5. Discussion of topics such as brain development, self-regulation, trauma, prenatal alcohol and drug exposure, and toxic stress prepares providers to meet the needs of this growing area of practice. Concrete information about how and when to intervene, written by experts working in the field, is accompanied by lists of resources for further learning at the end of each chapter.
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