Counselling and Helping: Second Edition

Book Details
- Publisher : John Wiley
- Published : 2008
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 320
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Counselling - Catalogue No : 36541
- ISBN 13 : 9781405106108
- ISBN 10 : 1405106107
Also by Richard Velleman
Counselling for Alcohol Problems: Third Edition
Price £44.99
Risk and Resilience
Price £36.99
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This new edition - based on the original book by Steve Murgatroyd - is an indispensable introduction to the core principles of counselling for those interested in counselling and those considering training. It describes the main styles of counselling, provides an excellent framework for helping, and introduces some of the approaches and key tools used within a counselling relationship. The book aims to offer a stimulating and highly accessible introduction to the key aspects of counselling. Recurring case studies illustrate clearly the practical application of the range of styles and approaches in counselling and experiential exercises are included in each chapter to facilitate the reader's learning and understanding. The authors guide the reader, in a straightforward, readable style, through the main issues that arise within counselling/helping relationships. They succeed in enthusing, exciting and empowering those contemplating counselling training, or those who have embarked on a course and want a broad introduction
About the Author(s)
Richard Velleman is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, and Professor of Mental Health Research at the University of Bath. He has a keen interest in evidence-based service development, and has founded and led statutory addictions services, a family and psychosis service, developed a national scheme to train volunteer counsellors, and worked as an NHS Trust Board Director. Dr Velleman has published over 200 books, chapters, and journal papers on a range of counselling and other mental health topics.
More titles by Richard Velleman
Sarajane Aris is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Head of Clinical Psychology for Adult Services South Derbyshire Business Unit, Derbyshire Mental Healthcare Services NHS Trust, and is also an Associate for the Healthcare Commission. She founded the Transpersonal Network for Clinical and Counselling psychologists and therapists in the UK, has been involved in organisational change and development work for Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and other organisations, and has worked in an advisory and consultative capacity to the Cancer Help Centre, Bristol.
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