Couple and Family Psychoanalysis: Volume 14 Number 2

Author(s) : Joanne Brown

Couple and Family Psychoanalysis: Volume 14 Number 2

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Also by Joanne Brown

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Couple and Family Psychoanalysis is an international journal sponsored by The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, which aims to promote the theory and practice of working with couple and family relationships from a psychoanalytic perspective.


The relational heart of couples psychotherapy: In conversation with Dr Orna Guralnik by Joanne Brown

Psychoanalysis and homosexuality: The relevance of homophobia and shame for all sexualities by Leezah Hertzmann

“You don’t need to be fixed”: Working with a neurodiverse family by Ann Hardy

The evolution of family creation via sperm donation: New perspectives on family and parenthood by Lena Barth

Transference and countertransference in couples therapy by Krisztina Glausius

Facing death: Working with a couple facing Multiple Systems Atrophy by Julia Segal

Lost to self and other in a world of unseen things: Reflections on Winnicott’s concept of the mirror role in working with narcissistic couples by Ortal Kirson-Trilling


Illicit Monogamy: Inside a Fundamentalist Mormon Community William R. Jankowiak. Reviewed by David E Scharff

Psychoanalytic Approaches to Forgiveness and Mental Health edited by Ronald Britton and Aleksandra Novakovic. Reviewed by Judith Pickering


DIVA at the Victoria & Albert Museum: A joyous, bold, and juicy assault on the patriarchy., Reviewed by Ann Hardy

The (Un)threatening Third in The Blue Caftan (2022), , directed by Maryam Touzani, France and Morocco, and Past Lives (2023), directed by Celine Song, USA. Reviewed by Stephanie Bushell

About the Author(s)

Joanne Brown, PhD, is a couple psychoanalytic psychotherapist and individual psychodynamic therapist. She is a clinical supervisor at Tavistock Relationships and works in private practice on the south coast of England and online. She has masters’ degrees in psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy and in infant and young child psychoanalytic observation, and has taught, supervised, and developed BA and MA programmes in applied psychoanalysis and therapeutic practice at the University of East London, the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and the University of Southampton over a thirty-year period. She has published in the field of psychosocial studies and mental health.

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