Creative Analysis: Art, Creativity and Clinical Process

Author(s) : George Hagman

Creative Analysis: Art, Creativity and Clinical Process

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Creative Analysis: Art, Creativity and Clinical Process explores the dynamics of creativity in psychoanalytic treatment. It argues that the creative process of the analytic interaction is characterized by specific forms of feeling, thinking and most importantly, relating that result in the emergence of something new - therapeutic change. The artistic aspects of psychoanalysis and various features of creativity in analytic treatment are explored. Clinical examples are discussed at length. George Hagman develops a psychological definition of art as externalized and perfected subjectivity. Creative Analysis presents a new model of the psychology of creativity and art that helps us to better understand the clinical process.

The book explores and develops several important implications of Hagman's main thesis: the psychodynamics of art, the creativity of the brain, aesthetic aspects of the treatment relationship, the creativity of the analyst and analysand. Change in analysis is driven not just by the analyst's interventions but the patient's own motivation and capacity for self-transformation. This change is depicted here as a depth psychological process which explores the sources of the patient's resistance to self-actualization and identifies hidden potential, unrealized capacities and strengths.

Creative Analysis: Art, Creativity and Clinical Process reformulates psychoanalytic therapy as a form of art which can help patients realize their potential which may have been blocked, inhibited, denied or derailed. The book will be of interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, graduates and students, including the educated public interested in art.

About the Author(s)

George Hagman, LCSW is a psychoanalyst and clinical social worker practicing in both New York City and Connecticut. He is also a member of the faculty of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis.

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