Discovering Françoise Dolto: Psychoanalysis, Identity and Child Development

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : June 2019
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 260
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 94465
- ISBN 13 : 9780367144302
- ISBN 10 : 9780367144
Also by Kathleen Saint-Onge
Rethinking Autism with Dolto: Syllable Soup
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This psychobiographical study of the renowned French pediatrician and psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto introduces both her theories of child development and her unique insights into language and identity.
A friend of Jacques Lacan’s, Dolto believed that we are all humanized through language, and that the words we use carry unconscious traces of our early histories of love, suffering and desire. Suggesting that infants unconsciously symbolize and that a continuous circulation of unconscious affects—the transference—prevails in all language-based relations, her findings challenge assumptions about autism, autobiography, linguistics, literacy, pedagogy and therapy.
Dolto’s own corpus—a rich archive blending the personal and professional—demonstrates this, with echoes between Dolto’s constructs about the child and her own challenging childhood. This fascinating book will not only introduce the work of Françoise Dolto to many readers, but will be a valuable resource for all psychoanalytic researchers and theorists interested in childhood, language and identity.
About the Author(s)
Kathleen Saint-Onge is a researcher and educator originally from Québec, Canada. Interrogating the unconscious, affective roots of language, she earned her master’s and PhD from York University, Toronto. Her previous publications include Discovering Françoise Dolto: Psychoanalysis, Identity and Child Development (Routledge).
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