Dissociation and the Dynamics of Personality: Trauma, Consciousness, and Culture

Author(s) : Simon Boag

Dissociation and the Dynamics of Personality: Trauma, Consciousness, and Culture

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : December 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 152
  • Category :
    Trauma and Violence
  • Catalogue No : 97904
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367428976
  • ISBN 10 : 0367428970
RRP : £29.99
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Dissociation and the Dynamics of Personality addresses the nature of personality in trauma-dissociation and proposes a dynamic understanding of persons that fundamentally challenges conventional views of the self and consciousness.

This important book provides a clear and coherent understanding of how childhood trauma can lead to a range of dissociative responses, addressing the fundamental issues underlying the controversy in this field. By recognising causal complexity and the dynamic convergence of biology and culture, Boag demonstrates the significance of trauma-dissociation for understanding personality and consciousness. Drawing upon both philosophy of mind and current psychiatric and neurobiological evidence, this book proposes a dynamic understanding of persons that fundamentally challenges the conventional view of the self and consciousness.

Dissociation and the Dynamics of Personality will be of interest to readers concerned with the trauma-dissociation controversy, including philosophers of mind and psychiatrists. It will also interest psychological practitioners and psychologists, as well as anyone concerned with the implications of the dissociative mind for understanding personality.

Reviews and Endorsements

This book runs a magnifying glass over the logic and conceptualisation of the link between dissociation and trauma, and the construct of dissociation more broadly. Few have taken such a bold and necessary step, and in this highly informative and engaging book, Boag offers clarity and guidance, writing with an accessible and unpretentious style. This book offers genuine insights into theory building and the construct of dissociation and sharpens further the most sophisticated model in the field, the Structural Theory of Dissociation. While addressing debates and engaging in useful theoretical housekeeping, this work also has major implications for understanding dissociation clinically and conceptually. Boag’s insights and clarity of thought are welcomed and significant additions to the trauma and dissociation fields.
Martin Dorahy, PhD, DClinPsych, is a clinical psychologist and professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He has a clinical, research and theoretical interest in complex trauma, dissociative disorders and self-conscious emotions (e.g., shame). He has published peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and co-edited five books in the area of psychotraumatology, including most recently, Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorder, 2nd Ed (with Steve Gold and John O’Neil)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Dissociation and the logic of relations
3. Does trauma cause dissociation?
4. Foundations of modern theories of dissociation
5. On the nature of dissociative parts
6. Developmental pathways to structural dissociation

Conclusion and going forward

About the Author(s)

Simon Boag is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Macquarie University where he teaches personality theory, research methods and the history and philosophy of psychology. He has published extensively in the area of Freudian repression and unconscious mental processes, philosophy of mind, conceptual research and is the author of Freudian Repression, the Unconscious, and the Dynamics of Inhibition.

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