Divine Therapy: Love, Mysticism and Psychoanalysis

Book Details
- Publisher : Oxford University Press
- Published : 2003
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 260
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Culture and Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 89738
- ISBN 13 : 9780198509813
- ISBN 10 : 0198509812
Also by Janet Sayers
Kleinians: Psychoanalysis Inside Out
Price £17.99
Freud's Art: Psychoanalysis Retold
Price £39.99
Art, Psychoanalysis, and Adrian Stokes: A Biography
Price £46.99
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Many debate whether religion is good for our health. Starting with this question, Janet Sayers provides a fascinating account of today's psychotherapy. Divine Therapy is told through love stories. They highlight the risks and healing transformations of what some call 'at-one-ment' with another in love, mysticism, art and psychoanalysis.
Sayers movingly explores this by drawing on the philosophical and psychological writings of William James, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Sabina Spielrein, Simone Weil, Erich Fromm, Paul Tillich, Viktor Frankl, Melanie Klein, Adrian Stokes, Marion Milner and Donald Winnicott. She ends with one of the major figures of current psychoanalysis, Wilfred Bion, and with the insights of his followers, notably Christopher Bollas, Neville Symington and Julia Kristeva.
Illustrated with love letters, pictures, biographical details and case histories, Divine Therapy tells an intriguing chronicle of science, religion and therapy that also constitutes an engaging overview for students, specialists and general readers alike.
About the Author(s)
After leaving Dartington Hall School (where Stokes spent time in the 1930s), and after studying philosophy and psychology at Cambridge, and clinical psychology at the Tavistock Clinic in London, Janet Sayers (née Toulson) moved to Canterbury where she works for the NHS and teaches, as emeritus professor of psychoanalytic psychology, at the University of Kent.
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