Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse: Tackling the Health and Mental Health Effects

Author(s) : Catherine Itzin, Author(s) : Ann Taket, Author(s) : Sarah Barter-Godfrey

Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse: Tackling the Health and Mental Health Effects

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2010
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 240
  • Category :
    Trauma and Violence
  • Catalogue No : 29854
  • ISBN 13 : 9780415555326
  • ISBN 10 : 0415555329
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Domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault, and sexual exploitation through prostitution, pornography and trafficking can have many significant adverse impacts on a survivor's health and wellbeing, in the short, medium and long-term. Taking a life-course approach, the book explores what is known about appropriate treatment responses to those who have experienced, and those who perpetrate, domestic and sexual violence and abuse. The book also examines key factors that are important in understanding how and why different groups experience heightened risks of domestic and sexual violence and abuse, namely: gender and sexuality; race and culture; disability; and abuse by professionals. Drawing together results from specially commissioned research, the views of experts by experience, experts by profession and the published research literature, the book argues that sufficient is already known to delineate an appropriate public health framework, encompassing primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, to successfully tackle the important public health issue represented by domestic and sexual violence and abuse. Domestic and sexual violence and abuse equips health and social care professionals and services to identify and respond to the needs of affected individuals with a view to the prevention and early intervention.

About the Author(s)

Catherine Itzin was Emerita Professor in Mental Health Policy, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom until her death on March 9th 2010.

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Ann Taket is Professor of Health and Social Exclusion in the School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, Australia.

Sarah Barter-Godfrey is Lecturer in the School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, Australia.

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