Eco-Art Therapy in Practice

Author(s) : Amanda Alders Pike

Eco-Art Therapy in Practice

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : March 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 176
  • Category :
    Expressive Arts Therapies
  • Catalogue No : 95538
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367548766
  • ISBN 10 : 9780367548
RRP : £29.99
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Eco-Art Therapy in Practice is uplifting, optimistic, and empowering while outlining cost-effective, time efficient, and research-based steps on how to use nature in session to enhance client engagement and outcomes.

Dr. Pike employs her background and credentials as a certified educational leader and board-certified art therapist to walk readers through establishing ecologically-based practices- such as growing art materials using hydroponics regardless of facility constraints. Each chapter is aligned with the continuing education requirements for art therapy board certification renewal to make its relevance clear and to orient the book for future training program integration. Appendices feature clinical directives in easy-to-follow, one-page protocols which encourage readers to consider client needs when applying methods, along with intake forms to bolster real-world application.

This text will help clinicians and educators to employ eco-art therapy in practice, in turn empowering their clients and conveying an inclusive message of respect- respect for self, others, community, and the world.

Reviews and Endorsements

"To say this publication is timely would be a gross understatement. From theory to research to application, Dr. Pike reminds us-- in her deft, clear and at times lyrical manner-how to overcome the struggles and limitations of our artificial experiences by looking outside, metaphorically and literally, to find the most natural space and mindful tools available. Eco-art therapy is more than a method or approach; it's a whole new paradigm that simultaneously simplifies and makes profound the journey towards wellness. Quite frankly, I didn't realize this was a book that I needed to read...until I read it." - Dave Gussak, PhD, ATR-BC, professor, The Florida State University.

"Eco-Art Therapy in Practice offers a unique, eco-friendly approach to merging the healing properties of nature with art therapy. Dr. Pike's easy to follow protocols teach us a simpler, more organic way of relating to life within the field of a psychotherapy." - Ella Dufrene, MPS, ATR, founder of Madre Tierra Creative Arts & Yoga Retreats.

''Working in both a private practice and an agency setting requires me to be flexible and continue to adapt my interventions for a wide range of clients. Dr. Pike's expansive knowledge is evident, and this book is one I will return to repeatedly to help meet my client's diverse needs! Using nature in art making has a lot of therapeutic potential. - Devon Schlegel, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, LMHC, co-founder of Indigo Art Therapy Studio.

About the Author(s)

Amanda Alders Pike, PhD, ATR-BC, is a board-certified art therapist and past president of the Florida Art Therapy Association. She is currently education chair for the Palm Beach County Native Plant Society.

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