Ethics in Participatory Research on Counselling and Psychotherapy: Justice, Solidarity and Care

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : February 2025
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 146
- Category :
Counselling - Catalogue No : 98024
- ISBN 13 : 9781032522616
- ISBN 10 : 1032522615
Also by John McLeod
Person-Centred Counselling in Action: Fourth Edition
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Case Study Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Increasingly, therapy practitioners and researchers position themselves within a pluralistic perspective that draws on the value of multiple sources of knowledge. The aim of this book is to highlight the distinctive ethical challenges and opportunities associated with a pluralistic research orientation.
The book begins by succinctly summarising ethical concepts and strategies, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and avoidance of harm, that form the foundations of ethically sound research. An overview of distinctive ethical features of pluralistic research is then provided, followed by a series of chapters that address specific strands of ethics work. The closing chapter discusses approaches to training and ethical inquiry, the establishment of communities of research practice, and the provision of forms of counselling and psychotherapy that promote social justice. Each chapter will open with a concise chapter outline, and close with a summary of key learning points, take-home skills, and follow-up learning activities. Case examples from published studies will be used to illustrate how theory and concepts have been implemented in real-life investigative contexts
Written in plain English that is accessible to a wide range of readers, with recommended reading signposted in respect of advanced topics, this book will be an essential resource for practicing and trainee professionals and researchers in the psychological professions.
Reviews and Endorsements
An important step-change in how we think about research inclusion and democratisation in counselling and psychotherapy.
Angela Sweeney,Senior Lecturer in User-Led Research, King's College London
This latest book by John and Julia McLeod delves into the intricacies of collaborative participatory research that aims to reconfigure the stances of power and privilege that shape how knowledge is generated and interpreted. Ethics of Participatory Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy not only offers an incredible depth of scholarship and information, it is also inspiring and encourages the enrichment of research approaches by giving voice to marginalized and overlooked perspectives. The ethical and engaged consideration leads the reader to reflect on their own relationship with research and knowledge generation. I predict that the book will become a go to reference point for anybody conducting research in counselling and psychotherapy.
Ladislav Timulak, counselling psychologist and practicing therapist; involved in the training of future practitioners and researchers as Professor in Counselling Psychology at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
I wish this book had been available before I did my participatory research with NHS psychotherapy clients on Complex PTSD because it would have saved me a lot of time and trouble! It will be an invaluable resource for any therapist or trainee who believes that clients need to have a voice in research in order to make that research credible - central priority in relation to the democratisation of the research enterprise.
Dr Catherine Matheson, EMDR Consultant, Supervisor in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, practising in south London
I am confident that Ethics of Participatory Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Justice, Solidarity, and Care will prove a cherished resource, for students of research right through to seasoned academics. John and Julia McLeod connect with their audience through a direct and common-sense writing style, informed by a deep engagement with the experience of those whose project and program examples bring the book’s ideas to life. The pluralistic ethic advanced here is distinctive and offers a frame through which to capture the complexity of the moral landscapes researchers find themselves operating within.
John Hills, Head of Programme for MSc/Dip Integrative Psychotherapy, Metanoia Institute, London
Table of Contents
1. Participatory research on counselling and psychotherapy: a brief introduction
2. Pluralistic ethics for participatory research
3. Aligning with social justice research goals
4. Nothing about us, without us: addressing the reality of power and privilege
5. Building relationships: ethical aspects of working together to produce practical knowledge
6. Beyond averages: respecting uniqueness and diversity
7. Responding ethically to the personal challenges and opportunities associated with research participation
8. Methodological innovation and flexibility: harnessing courage, imagination and open-ness to learning
9. Implications and learning for therapy practice
10. References
About the Author(s)
John McLeod is a counselling educator, researcher and author who is committed to the development of flexible, co-created ways of working together in therapy, that build on client strengths and resources. He has published widely on a range of topics associated with research in counselling and psychotherapy that allows clients to express their views on the therapy they have received.
Julia McLeod is an experienced practitioner, educator and researcher in the field of counselling and psychotherapy, currently based at the University of Aberdeen. She has particular interests in embedded counselling, pluralistic approaches to therapy, and the use of deliberate practice to facilitate therapist development.
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