Family Psychodynamics in Organizational Contexts: The Hidden Forces that Shape the Workplace

Author(s) : Steen Visholm

Family Psychodynamics in Organizational Contexts: The Hidden Forces that Shape the Workplace

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This fascinating book shows how an understanding of the psychodynamics of the extended family, from parental relations to sibling rivalries, can provide insight into many of the key issues faced by organizations today.

Covering topics such as change management, creativity, autonomous groups, leadership and democracy, it shows how deep-rooted family dynamics unconsciously frame the way we relate to each other in the workplace, and how they can have a profound influence on the broader trajectory of organizations.

This book features:

- Examples on how to use the extended family as a framework for understanding organizational behaviour.

- A look beyond parental relationships to discuss sibling relationships as well.

- Examples to illustrate key topics of practical relevance to consultants and managers.

Family Psychodynamics in Organizational Contexts is an important read for students and scholars of organizational psychology, organizational studies and psychodynamics, as well as consultants and coaches working in organizational contexts.

About the Author(s)

Steen Visholm is a Professor in the Department of People and Technology, Center for Organizational Psychology, Roskilde University, Denmark.

Customer Reviews

Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.

John Creet on 22/06/2021 18:16:07

Rating1Rating2Rating3Rating4Rating5 (5 out of 5)

Very true, in my workings as a family therapist, inevitably love and work intertwine each other like the Gemini twins. It seems everything is a extension or offshoot of the archetypal family system.

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