Feeling Matters
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2006
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 168
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 23328
- ISBN 13 : 9781855754119
- ISBN 10 : 1855754118
Also by Michael Eigen
Bits of Psyche: Selected Seminars by Michael Eigen
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Toxic Nourishment
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The Sensitive Self
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As long as feelings are second-class citizens, people will be second class citizens. Experience is an endangered species. An important function of psychotherapy is to make time for experiencing.
Psychic taste buds really exist and rarely rest. They feed us each other, gauge states of being, states of spirit. We taste each other's feelings and intentions. An important aim of this book is to build psychic taste buds, not put them down or pretend they don't exist.
A positive feeling runs through this book, a love of life, an affirmation. Yet we discover many feel they do not have an impact. A sense of helplessness and impotence in face of awesome forces seems to be increasing. Health is a broad term with many dark threads. A creeping annihilating sense varies from pockets we try not to notice to soul murder that must be addressed. Yet individuals do try, in their private struggles and in the larger social sphere. We see in the depths of private lives forces that get magnified in the larger world, and in our secret beings we find magnified hints of forces that go undetected in the social sphere. Social reform is not enough without working on oneself.
Feelings matter in private life and in the public sphere. Failure to do justice to living experience, in families, business or governance, is to fail to do justice to life.
Reviews and Endorsements
'Michael Eigen's latest work reads like a gripping existential novel were it not for its sound psychoanalytic moorings. The title of the book expresses the theme with stark poetic compression: "Feeling (the verb) Matters." we have come to realize that feelings (as a noun) matter, but Eigen takes a dramatic step further by asking us to take the risk of uniting the verb feeling with our sense of personal agency. He further reveals the theme of his book with another example of poetic compression: "To try to sustain the growth of psychic taste buds..." This is an extraordinary and extraordinarily moving archive of how we lead our daily lives as derelict non-feelers - with a reminder of what we are ever missing. I highly recommend this work for all mental health professionals and for the lay public as well.'
- James S. Grotstein, MD, author of But at the Same Time and on Another Level (2 volumes)
'A gripping work of psychoanalytic art encompassing the breadth of life for those touched by our field. We venture inside Eigen as he struggles to find and stay with his patients. He steps deep into the primal layers beneath everyday events and innocuous words. These are riveting accounts of work with patients who defy every attempt to "treat" them and insist on being encountered raw.'
- Mark V, Mellinger, PhD, Faculty and supervisor, Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy
'In an era when emotional processing and affective expression is either trivialized or comodified, Michael Eigen gives passionate voice to the need to grapple with psychic reality. A poet and psychoanalytic visionary, Eigen presents a humanistic, spiritual, and ethical conception of psychotherapy that refuses to ignore the dark side, but rather recognizes that suffering and even agony must be borne, and destructiveness faced head on, to enable development and growth in the individual and society.'
- Lewis Aron, PhD, New York University, Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
'Michael Eigen is a living national treasure of psychoanalysis. His words have the fire and intensity of the Old Testament but his wisdom is ageless and of our time. Feeling Mattersis a declaration of our common humanity written by an uncommonly human psychotherapist. It is a gift for all who read it.'
- Mark Epstein, MD, author of Thoughts Without a Thinker and Open to Desire
About the Author(s)
Michael Eigen is a psychologist and psychoanalyst. He is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at New York University (adjunct), and a Senior Member of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. He is the author of a number of books, including Toxic Nourishment, The Psychoanalytic Mystic, Feeling Matters and Flames from the Unconscious.
Customer Reviews
Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.
Mark V. Mellinger on 16/11/2006
(5 out of 5)
A gripping work of psychoanalytic art encompassing the breadth of life for those touched by our field. We venture inside Eigen as he struggles to find and stay with his patients. He steps deep into the primal layers beneath everyday events and innocuous words. These are riveting accounts of work with patients who defy every attempt to "treat" them and insist on being encountered raw.
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