Food, Glorious, Food: Transcending Obesity through the Symbology of Freud and Jung

Author(s) : Nadine Jacobs

Food, Glorious, Food: Transcending Obesity through the Symbology of Freud and Jung

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In the last century food has become a multibillion-dollar industry, resulting in the world’s population becoming fatter and fatter. This has resulted in rapidly growing cases of obesity, and its accompanying health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and heart problems.

Food, Glorious Food will explore the origins of the importance of food in our society, and through a Jungian lens, what it is about food that drives us, as a society, beyond the point of satiety. The book also explores the culture symbols of the unconscious narrative around food, using Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland as a text to further illustrate this.

About the Author(s)

Nadine Jacobs is a writer with a master's degree in Psychology and a national diploma in Food service management. She has worked in the food industry for twenty years and is currently lecturing at the department of Dietetics at the Nelson Mandela University. She has completed several courses in hypnotherapy, dream interpretation, reiki and Aura Soma and through her writing, she integrates her three passions: Spirit, food and psychology. At present, her research constitutes of finding practical solutions to address and process unconscious trauma of people struggling with obesity.

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