Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited: Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysts Reconsider the Legacy

Editor : Helena Texier, Editor : Eve Watson

Part of The Freud Lacan Institute Lectures series - more in this series

Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited: Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysts Reconsider the Legacy

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : May 2025
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 242
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 98050
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032663678
  • ISBN 10 : 1032663677
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Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited explores Freud’s six principal case studies studies - Dora, Little Hans, Schreber, Wolf Man, Rat Man and Young Homosexual Girl - through the lens of contemporary psychoanalytic practice.

Thirteen leading Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysts reassess these cases in light of their significance to psychoanalytic theory and practice and consider their relevance in the twenty-first century. With new case material, theory, and analysis, the cases are critically re-invigorated and restored to a privileged place within psychoanalysis. Each of the cases is approached via a pairing of two psychoanalysts who engage with the clinical material, as well as with each other, in addressing their contributions to an assembled audience of clinicians, trainees and scholars.

Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited will be of great interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training as well as psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists. It will also be relevant for academics and students of psychoanalytic studies, philosophy, critical and cultural theory, social studies, critical psychology, gender and sexuality studies and queer theory.

Reviews and Endorsements

This marvellous collection of essays sheds new light on Freud’s classic case histories, offering new interpretations and perspectives and bringing out the richness and depth of Freud’s work. The commentaries are not only important in rereading Freud but will be inspiring for practitioners working today, facing many of the same questions and problems in their clinical work.
Darian Leader, psychoanalyst and author, London, UK

These careful readings unpack what it takes to make a great case for psychoanalysis, while insisting on the singularity of each subject who appeared on the scene at the dawn of the talking cure.
Ian Parker, psychoanalyst, Manchester, UK

Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited offers a fresh re-examination of Freud’s iconic cases through a contemporary psychoanalytic lens, demonstrating how his insights remain crucial today and showing how these continue to inspire, offering a dynamic, evolving framework that keeps psychoanalytic practice alive and responsive in the twenty-first century.
Dries G. M. Dulsster, educational supervisor, psychoanalyst and author, Ghent University, Belgium

With these thought-provoking case commentaries by leading figures in psychoanalysis, rereading Freud’s principal case studies has never felt so timely or engaging! Instead of simply reinforcing what we thought we already knew about Freud’s classic cases, these essays invite us to consider crucial issues in contemporary psychoanalytic theory and practice.
Stephanie Swales, psychoanalyst and Assistant Professor of Psychotherapy, Dublin City University, Ireland

Seldom do we have the opportunity to see historical case material rendered as relevant – as urgent – as we find in this luminous collection. Not only is Freud shown to be our contemporary, but these re-readings, with Lacanian conceptualisations, are how Freud’s cases will be taught and understood in the future. A dream-team of contributors and a vital addition to key texts on the Freudian practice of psychoanalysis.
Derek Hook, Professor of Psychology, Duquesne University, USA, author of Six Moments in Lacan

Table of Contents


1. Hysteria, History, Her Story: Freud’s Dora
Olga Cox Cameron

2. Return to Dora, Again and Again
Jamieson Webster

The Young Homosexual Woman
3. Gender Anxiety as a Symptom of the Analyst
Anouchka Grose

4. Girl, Interrupted
Patricia Gherovici

Little Hans
5. Horses for Courses: Psychoanalysis and a Small Boy
Carol Owens

6. Little Hans in Context
Kristen Hennessy

7. What We Can Still Learn from the Rat Man
Astrid Gessert

8. Freud’s Knight
Guy Le Gaufey

9. The Wolfman, Invented
Annie G. Rogers

10. The Wolfman and Psychosis in the Post-Oedipal Era
Rik Loose

Judge Schreber
11. The Form and Matter of Hallucinations in Schreber’s Message Phenomena
Leon S. Brenner

12. Judge Schreber: A Neuralgic Point of Social Tensions
Rolf D. Flor

To Conclude
Reading Freud’s Case Studies Today
Anne Worthington

About the Editor(s)

Helena Texier is a psychoanalyst in private practice. She was longtime editor of THE LETTER -Lacanian Perspectives on Psychoanalysis. She has been involved in psychoanalytic training and has been Chair of the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland (APPI). She is a director of the Freud Lacan institute (FLi), Dublin.

More titles by Helena Texier

Eve Watson works in Dublin as a psychoanalytic practitioner, clinical supervisor and academic. She is involved in teaching and training in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and teacher education. She writes on psychoanalysis, sexuality studies, critical psychology, poetics, film and critical theory.

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