From Pain to Violence: The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness: Second Edition

Author(s) : Felicity de Zulueta

From Pain to Violence: The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness: Second Edition

Book Details

  • Publisher : Whurr Publishers
  • Published : May 2006
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 416
  • Category :
    Trauma and Violence
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 1081
  • ISBN 13 : 9780470019368
  • ISBN 10 : 0470019360

Also by Felicity De Zulueta

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Violence is all around us; yet, despite its widespread prevalence, we remain unclear about its causes. In this book, Felicity de Zulueta begins by defining ‘violence' as distinct from ‘aggression', and then attempts to trace its origins, highlighting the polarisation between those who believe mankind to be innately violent and those who see violence as the outcome of man's life experiences. As a result of her investigations, the author suggests that the current high level of violence may well be linked to the effects of childhood and adult trauma which appear to be far more widespread than has hitherto been acknowledged. These findings are relevant to understanding why ‘normal' people can become violent in certain conditions.

This is a second edition and has been fully updated. A new chapter on terrorism has been added.

Table of Contents


Part I - Attachment Gone Wrong
1. A case of violence
2. The myth of original sin and the death instinct
3. Aggression and violence
4. From attunement to attachment and the trauma of loss
5. The psychobiological roots of violence
6. Secure and insecure attachments in the formation of the self
7. Self and other
8. In defence of the self

Part II - The Psychobiology of Trauma
9. The unspeakable: child sexual abuse
10. Psychological trauma and attachment
11. From psychological trauma to violence and psychiatric illness

Part III - The Prevalence of Psychological Trauma
12. Cultures and violence
13. The dehumanisation of the ‘other’
14. The traumatic origins of legitimate violence
15. Love and hate

Epilogue: And what about terrorism?

About the Author(s)

Dr Felicity de Zulueta is an Emeritus Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Traumatic Studies at Kings College London. She developed and headed both the Department of Psychotherapy at Charing Cross Hospital and, later, the Traumatic Stress Service in the Maudsley, which specialises in the treatment of people suffering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder and other trauma-induced dissociative disorders. She has published papers on the subject of bilingualism and PTSD, BPD, and dissociative disorders from an attachment perspective and is the author of From Pain to Violence: The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness and is a founder member of the London ACEs Hub to promote the study of ACEs (Adverse childhood experiences) and the application of trauma-informed care. She is the recipient of the Sándor Ferenczi Award 2020.
She lectures worldwide on the origins and treatment of complex PTSD and violence, has been a consultant to UNICEF and to the Singaporean army, and promotes the use of a video-based therapy called Video Interaction Guidance for the treatment of traumatised families in the UK, Italy, (Milan and Torino), Mexico, Ecuador, Ireland and Tanzania. She works as a freelance consultant psychotherapist with training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, systemic family therapy, group analysis, EMDR, and Lifespan Integration. She developed a new therapeutic procedure called the Traumatic Attachment Induction Procedure (TAIP) and is currently carrying out clinical research on the traumatic attachment, its different manifestations, and its theoretical and therapeutic implications. This book is based upon that research.

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