Groupwork for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Ages 11-16: An Integrated Approach

Book Details
- Publisher : Speechmark Publishing
- Published : 2008
- Category :
Autism and Aspergers - Category 2 :
Group Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 26016
- ISBN 13 : 9780863885952
- ISBN 10 : 0863885950
Also by Alyson Eggett
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This book includes a short, easy-to-read theoretical background to Austism Spectrum Disorder focusing on the underlying impairments and their impact on sensory processing, motor development, play, language and communication skills, social skills, emotional development and behaviour for the relevant age group. Each developmental area is intrinsically linked. Progress in one aspect of development is dependent on progress in another so a holistic and integrated approach is essential. The book examines the role of various individual professionals whilst emphasising the need to develop a trans-disciplinary approach combining their areas of expertise. It also describes an integrated approach to groupwork providing practical advice and photocopiable resources to enable readers to: assess individual needs; organise groups (including group members, venue and transport); set individual group targets; plan group sessions (examples of activities for each developmental area are provided); evaluate progress.
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