Growing Old: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : January 2009
- Cover : Paperback
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 29163
- ISBN 13 : 9780415545662
- ISBN 10 : 0415545668
Also by Danielle Quinodoz
Emotional Vertigo: Between Anxiety and Pleasure
Price £36.99
Words That Touch: A Psychoanalyst Learns to Speak
Price £36.99
Also by David Alcorn
Mental Space
Price £38.99
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People react very differently to the process of ageing. Some people shy away from old age for as long as they can and eventually spend it reflecting on times when they were physically and mentally stronger and more independent. For others old age is embraced as a new adventure and something to look forward to. In this book psychoanalyst Danielle Quinodoz highlights the value of old age and the fact that although many elderly people have suffered losses, either of their own good health or through bereavement, most have managed to retain the most important thing their sense of self. Quinodoz argues that growing old provides us with the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and instead of facing it with dread, it should be celebrated. Divided into accessible chapters this book covers topics including: the internal life-history; remembering; phases of life; anxiety about death; being a psychoanalyst and growing old. Throughout Growing Old the author draws on both her clinical experience of working with the elderly, and her own personal experience of growing old. This makes it an interesting read for both practising psychoanalysts, and those who wish to gain a greater insight of the natural progression into later life.
Reviews and Endorsements
Reconstructing One's Own Internal Life-History.
One Small Second of Eternity.
The Work of Remembering.
The Phases of Life.
Anxiety about Death.
What Lies Behind the Decline of Very Old People?
Losing Everything Without Losing Oneself.
The Resources of Old Age.
Strait is the Gate.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Older People.
Psychoanalysis and Elderly People.
Being a Psychoanalyst and Growing Old.
Grandparents and the Difference Between Generations.
The Blue Note and the Discovery of Loving.
About the Author(s)
Danielle Quinodoz is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Geneva, and is a Member of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society and of the International Psychoanalytical Association. She is the author of Emotional Vertigo: Between Anxiety and Pleasure.
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