Guide to Writing Social Stories: Step-by-Step Guidelines for Parents and Professionals
Book Details
- Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
- Published : 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 144
- Category :
Autism and Aspergers - Catalogue No : 39541
- ISBN 13 : 9781785921216
- ISBN 10 : 1785921215
Also by Chris Williams
Also by Barry Wright
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Carol Gray's Social Story(TM) intervention is widely used with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), but it can feel overwhelming to follow all the rules put in place to create great personalised stories. This book has been developed in consultation with Carol Gray, parents, carers and professionals and presents a detailed, clear, easy step-by-step guide to writing Social Stories(TM). Informed by the latest research into the efficacy of Social Stories(TM), this book translates the principles of the approach to show exactly how to write effective, tailored Social Stories(TM) that lead to better understanding of social environments and positive changes in behaviour. Rooted in Carol Gray's recommended guidelines, the book also includes examples of Social Stories(TM) and photocopiable checklists that highlight the essential components of a Social Story(TM), helping to ensure that each story you write will have the best possible results.
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