Healing Power of Writing: A Therapist's Guide to Using Journaling with Clients

Author(s) : Susan Borkin

Healing Power of Writing: A Therapist's Guide to Using Journaling with Clients

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Writing is a powerful tool for psychological healing. Therapeutic journaling is any type of writing or related expressive process used for the purpose of psychological healing or growth. It includes not only jotting down thoughts and feelings, but other, less traditional techniques like dialoguing between parts of the self, mind mapping, keeping a log, and using journaling with EMDR or CBT, among others.

Journaling is an extremely helpful adjunctive therapy when integrated into an overall treatment plan, regardless of the therapist's clinical orientation. It can enhance treatment of a wide range of issues including the after-effects of traumatic events, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, grief, and addiction. It can also be a useful psycho-educational tool with issues such as divorce, remarriage, parenting, and step-parenting.

In this book an overview of therapeutic journaling and its many potential benefits are presented. Readers learn how journaling integrates with the clinical process so that it supports and augments the therapeutic work that happens during a session. Filled with examples and step-by-step exercises, the book provides therapists with a basic guide on how to incorporate journaling into their clients' treatment, regardless of the specific modality of therapy in use.

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