Healing Their Wounds: Psychotherapy with Holocaust Survivors and Their Families

Editor : Paul Marcus, Editor : Alan Rosenberg

Healing Their Wounds: Psychotherapy with Holocaust Survivors and Their Families

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This is a comprehensive anthology on the psychological treatment of Holocaust survivors and their families. It covers the full range of current theoretical and therapeutic approaches. It is a major resource for the clinician working with holocaust survivors and their children, persecuted and traumatised populations, and patients suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. The chapters are organized around differing perspectives - classical psychonalytic, self-psychological, group, family, pastoral, empirical research and ecletic. The editors include writings not usually part of the mainstream and focus on relevant yet often unnoticed issues. This book aims to give to its readers a sense of how a discipline has struggled and evolved in its efforts to understand the impact of an historical event on its victims. The field's diversity of viewpoints and major controversies are put into focus in this volume. It allows the reader whether practicing clinician, academic researcher or lay person the opportunity to compare a wide range of approaches and draw his own conclusions. While primarily functioning as a resource, it will also serve as an historical record of the Holocaust's unprecedented evil.

About the Editor(s)

Paul Marcus, PhD, is a supervising and training analyst at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. He is the author of Being for The Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living and Psychoanalysis; Autonomy in the Extreme Situation: Bruno Bettelheim, the Nazi Concentration Camps, and the Mass Society and Ancient Religious Wisdom, Spirituality and Psychoanalysis, among other books. Dr Marcus is married with two children and lives in Great Neck, New York.

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