In Dora's Case: Freud-Hysteria-Feminism

Editor : Charles Bernheimer

In Dora's Case: Freud-Hysteria-Feminism

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'These new writings - feminist, deconstructive, and Lacanian, for the most part - have a wild playfulness and a sort of sexual sparkle that...give them an extraordinary verve... The sex-playful explications of Gallop, Moi, Hertz, et al... carry an unmistakable transferential weight.'

- Janet Malcolm, The New Yorker

Contents: Introduction

Part 1 by Charles Bernheimer

Part 2 by Claire Kahane

1. A Footnote to Freud's "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria", by Felix Deutsch, M.D.

2. Reality and Actuality: An Address, by Erik H. Erikson

3. Freud and Dora: Story, History, Case History, by Steven Marcus

4. Intervention on Transference, by Jacques Lacan

5. The Scene of Psychoanalysis: The Unanswered Questions of Dora, by Suzanne Gearhart

6. Dora: Fragment of an Analysis, by Jacqueline Rose

7. Freud's Dora, Dora's Hysteria, by Maria Ramas

8. Representation of Patriarchy: Sexuality and Epistemology in Freud's Dora, by Toril Moi

9. Keys to Dora, by Jane Gallop

10. Dora's Secrets, Fred's Techniques, by Neil Hertz

11. Questioning the Unconscious: The Dora Archive, by Jerre Collins, J. Ray Green, Mary Lydon, Mark Sachner, and Eleanor Honig Skoller

12. Enforcing Oedipus: Freud and Dora, by Madelon Sprengnether

13. The Untenable, by Helene Cixous and Catherine Clement

14. Reading Dora Reading: Freud's "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria", by Sara Van Den Berg

15. Reflections: J' appelle un chat un chat, by Janet Malcolm

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