Increate Light

Author(s) : Eric Rhode

Increate Light

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Also by Eric Rhode

Psychotic Metaphysics

Psychotic Metaphysics

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Silence and the Disorder of Tongues

Silence and the Disorder of Tongues

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RRP : £18.99
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As with all Eric Rhode’s work, we are taken on a fast-moving journey where previous travellers have left few footprints. These are faint, and soon dissolve. Accompanying us are passions, intellectual and emotional curiosity and rigour, and a never-ending courage to seek out the truth of the matter.

Brian Truckle, Child Psychotherapist and former Head of child Psychotherapy and Family Therapy Services at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Deputy Director of the Regional Child Psychotherapy Training School.

About the Author(s)

Eric Rhode was a psychotherapist in private practice, now retired. He is author of a number of books, including Psychotic Metaphysics, Plato's Silence: A Study in the Imagination, and Notes on the Aniconic: The Foundations of Psychology in Ontology.

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