Infidelity: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Couples in Crisis

Editor : Paul R. Peluso, Editor : Taylor J. Irvine

Part of Family Systems Counseling: Innovations Then and Now series - more in this series

Infidelity: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Couples in Crisis

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This second edition brings together an impressive array of experts to discuss and provide understanding to the treatment of infidelity.

Bringing together voices from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, including couples therapy, family therapy, evolutionary psychology, relational research, and more, Peluso and Irvine help therapists understand and practically treat this common and complex issue. Divided into three parts, chapters begin by laying the foundations for understanding why couples commit infidelity before looking at different treatments, such as Gottman Method Couples Therapy, models of fidelity and forgiveness, and other integrative approaches. This new edition includes brand-new material on topics such as nonmonogamy, teletherapy, cyber-infidelity, and the impact of infidelity on couples and families from different social, cultural, generational, and sexual perspectives.

With revised referrals and resources at the end of each chapter; additional infidelity treatment methods; and examinations of gender, race, and power, this guide is essential reading for all practicing and training marriage and family therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, and social workers.

Table of Contents

Part I: Understanding Infidelity
1. Infidelity: Introduction and Overview
Paul R. Peluso and Taylor J. Irvine

2. Interview With Dr. Janis Abrahms Spring—Reflections From an Expert
Janice Abrahms Spring

3. Monogamy and Consensual Non-Monogamy Fidelity: Preventing Relationship Crisis
Marissa A. Davala and Grace A. Mims

4. Sociosexuality and Infidelity: Incorporating Individual Differences with Couples in Crisis
Dana A. Weiser and Randi Black

5. Interview With Dr. Helen Fisher—Reflections From an Expert
Helen Fisher

6. Affairs and Addiction
Robert J. Navarra

Part II: The Treatment of Infidelity in Couples Therapy
7. The Intersystem Approach to Treating Infidelity
Stephen T. Fife, Gerald R. Weeks, Nancy Gambescia, and Emily E. Janes

8. Interview With Dr. John M. Gottman and Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman—Reflections From the Experts
John M. Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman

9. Treating Infidelity: A Gottman Method Couples Therapy Approach
Donald L. Cole and Carrie U. Cole

10. Affair Recovery Treatment—Typology and Treatment Model
Paul R. Peluso

11. Digital Intimacies and Online Infidelities
Andreas Vossler and Naomi Moller

Part III: Impact of Infidelity on Couples and Families From Different Social, Cultural, Generational, and Sexual Perspectives
12. Connections With Repercussions: Conceptualizing and Treating Internet Infidelity
Kimberly N. Usbeck, Carmen V. Nieto, Karrison A. Rimon, Jia-Xin Teo, Rebecca Fargo, and Katherine M. Hertlein

13. Extra-Relational Involvement Among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Relationships: Overview and Assessment
Taylor J. Irvine, Kyle Benson, and Vagdevi Meunier

14. Extra-Relational Involvement Among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Relationships: Conceptualization and Treatment
Vagdevi Meunier, Kyle Benson, and Taylor J. Irvine

15. Navigating Infidelity in LGBTGEQ+ Relationships
Whitney P. Akers and Craig S. Cashwell

16. Linking Infidelity and Health: An Integrated Stress Perspective
Daniel J. Weigel, M. Rosie Shrout, and Dana A. Weiser

17. It's a Family Affair: Navigating Experiences of Parental Infidelity
Allison R. Thorson, Manasi Shankar, and Dana A. Weiser

18. Interview With Dr. Augustus Y. (Gus) Napier—Reflections From an Expert
Augustus Y. (Gus) Napier

About the Editor(s)

Paul R. Peluso, Ph.D., LMHC, LMFT, NCC, is the Norejane Hendrickson Endowed Professor and Chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Science at Florida State University. He is also a licensed mental health counselor and licensed marriage and family therapist in Florida. An accomplished author of ten influential books, Dr. Peluso’s diverse body of work spans subjects like infidelity, couples therapy, family dynamics, and Adlerian theory, having contributed over 25 articles and 12 chapters in these areas. Dr. Peluso’s areas of clinical expertise include couples therapy, infidelity, family therapy, traumatic grief and loss, and domestic violence. He also serves as the Past President of the International Association of Marriage and Family Counseling.

More titles by Paul R. Peluso

Taylor J. Irvine, Ph.D., LMHC-FL, NCC, is Assistant Professor at Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Irvine is a licensed mental health counselor and national certified counselor, with experience working with diverse client populations and presenting issues. Dr. Irvine is an accomplished leader in her field, with her research centering on couples and infidelity, as well as eating disorders and body image concerns. She has presented and published on these topics both nationally and internationally, spotlighting culturally responsive and evidence-based methods across counseling research, training, and practice domains. Dr. Irvine's research has garnered recognition in the field for its emphasis on evidence-based approaches.

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