Integrative Therapy: Second Edition

Author(s) : Maja O'Brien, Author(s) : Gaie Houston

Integrative Therapy: Second Edition

Book Details

  • Publisher : Sage
  • Published : January 2007
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 24782
  • ISBN 13 : 9781412912112
  • ISBN 10 : 1412912113

Also by Gaie Houston

Brief Gestalt Therapy

Brief Gestalt Therapy

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For many therapists it is clear that no one approach can offer everything they and their clients need. However, by combining elements from different models, a more flexible and potentially more effective way of working can be developed. Integrative Therapy, Second Edition is a practical guide to the knowledge and skills needed to work integratively as a therapist.

Reviews and Endorsements

Integration rather than a single theory has become accepted and widely recommended as a way forward in psychotherapy and counselling. This book, a timely and innovative guide for practitioners, is based on the view that training and practice methods should be evaluated for their usefulness to the client instead of their adherence to a particular model.

Drawing from research on therapy process and outcome, and on human development respectively, the authors highlight striking similarities between the change processes involved in these two areas of study. The findings provide a basis for an adaptable framework for integrative practice.

The authors pinpoint what is common as well as what is different in various approaches, using case illustrations to make comparisons throughout between the three major models: psychodynamic, humanistic-existential and cognitive-behavioural. What emerges is the central importance of the therapeutic relationship in the process of change - 'how to be with clients' as opposed to 'what to do'.

Fully revised and updated, this Second Edition includes new material on neuroscience and practitioner-oriented research methodology showing how the processes of doing research and doing therapy have many things in common.

The book aims to cultivate a spirit of willingness amongst therapists trained in one model to learn from colleagues trained in others. It also features exercises to support its use on courses and will thus be invaluable to trainees of counselling, psychotherapy and counselling psychology.

About the Author(s)

Maja O'Brien is a chartered counselling psychologist and psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer based in Oxford and a Principal Lecturer on the Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies run jointly by the Metanoia Institute and Middlesex University.

Gaie Houston is a writer, UKCP-registered psychotherapist and senior lecturer at The Gestalt Centre, London.

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