Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and Practice: Second Edition

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : October 2021
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 342
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 95890
- ISBN 13 : 9780367375713
- ISBN 10 : 9780367375
Also by Anthony Bateman
Also by Jeremy Holmes
Also by Elizabeth Allison
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What is psychoanalysis? Is it relevant to today's mental health crisis? How can psychoanalysis help people suffering from psychological distress and illness? This vital new book examines how psychoanalysis has changed since its inception, and how it has adapted to the needs and concerns of twenty-first century mental health professionals and patients.
The first part of this book provides a concise and unbiased account of the origins of psychoanalysis, and the theories which characterize the main post-Freudian schools - neo-Freudian, Kleinian, Interpersonal, Self-Psychological, Lacanian - and the ways in which they agree and diverge. The second part uses clinical illustrations to examine the practicalities of psychoanalytic technique in the consulting room - assessment, free association, dream analysis, transference and counter-transference. Whatever their allegiance or role, mental health professions - psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, child mental health professionals, mental health nurses - need to be conversant with the strengths, relevance, and limitations of the psychoanalytic approach.
This book provides an indispensable, up-to-date and accessible account of psychoanalysis today. Shaped throughout by considering the viewpoint of an interested twenty-first century reader, it is of great interest to psychoanalysts and related mental health professionals, as well as students and all those interested in the treatment of mental health.
Reviews and Endorsements
'The best scholarly and clinically focused introduction to psychoanalytic ideas brilliantly integrating and celebrating the majesty of the concepts while also identifying key shortcomings. For a comprehensive, up to date and accessible presentation of this immense body of work you need to look no further.' - Peter Fonagy, OBE FMedSci FBA FAcSS, Professor of Psychoanalysis and Developmental Science.
'This book brings together three experts in conveying the essentials of psychoanalysis to varied and often sceptical audiences. They are deeply versed in its framework and clinical relevance, but well able to stand back and ask key questions, including on very contemporary issues such as remote analysis and institutional prejudice. One can hear in their shared voice that they understand, value and respect but do not idealise psychoanalysis. I am sure that a very large number of mental health professionals, trainees and the interested public will be really captivated by the serious, open-minded engagement with what psychoanalysis is and why, helped by the exceptionally clear writing to recognise questions they had not yet formulated but now realise they want to grapple with. I think here they are in safe hands as they navigate the different perspectives.' - Professor Mary Hepworth, Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, UCL.
'This splendid second edition has been collaboratively authored by three outstanding clinicians who are superb authors and conceptualizers. They have integrated major themes in psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic discourse in a seamless way. They have definitely accomplished their goal to bring psychoanalysis into the contemporary scientific and intellectual mainstream and to focus primarily on ideas and techniques rather than personalities. I heartily recommend this impressive second edition to all serious clinicians and to students who are preparing for clinical practice.' -
About the Author(s)
Anthony W. Bateman M.D., F.R.C.Psych., is Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Halliwick Unit, St. Ann's Hospital, Barnet, Enfield, and Haringey Mental Health Trust; Visiting Professor, University College London; and Visiting Consultant, The Menninger Clinic and the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Baylor College of Medicine.
More titles by Anthony Bateman
Professor Jeremy Holmes, MD FRCPsych, was for twenty-five years an NHS Consultant Psychiatrist in London and North Devon. Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter, he co-founded the Exeter masters, now doctoral, programme in psychoanalytic studies, and the psychodynamic professional qualification course. Author or co-author of over twenty books and 250 papers, he lectures nationally and internationally. Now largely retired, he maintains a part-time private psychotherapy practice alongside grandparenting, allotment gardening, and Green politics.
Elizabeth Allison DPhil is the Director of the Psychoanalysis Unit at University College London. She is a psychoanalyst and a Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society. She is the Programme Director of UCL’s MSc Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies and also supervises students on the Psychoanalysis Unit's Doctoral Programme. She is an Editorial Board member and Editor of the Psychoanalytic Controversies section in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis.
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