Jacques Derrida:

Author(s) : Geoffrey Bennington, Author(s) : Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida:

Book Details

  • Publisher : University of Chicago Press
  • Published : 1999
  • Category :
    Lacanian Psychoanalysis
  • Catalogue No : 8385
  • ISBN 13 : 9780226042626
  • ISBN 10 : 0226042626

Also by Jacques Derrida

Specters of Marx

Specters of Marx

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Geoffrey Bennington sets out here to write an account of the thought of Jacques Derrida. Responding to Bennington's text at every turn is Derrida's own, excerpts from his life and thought that resist circumscription. These texts, as a dialogue and a contest, are a critical introduction to Derrida. 419 pages.

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