Jung and Searles: A Comparative Study

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 1993
- Cover : Hardback
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 17711
- ISBN 13 : 9780415096980
- ISBN 10 : 0415096987
Also by David Sedgwick
Jung and Searles
Price £38.99
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David Sedgwick's book synthesizes the psychotherapeutic models of C.G. Jung and Harold F. Searles through a comparative analysis of their original writings. It is the first in-depth integration of the work of these two highly innovative analysts, and follows recent trends in analytical (Jungian) psychology and psychoanalysis towards the assimilation of the other theoretical positions. Jung and Searles brings the sometimes radical theoretical vision of Jung down to earth through the radically personal, clinical insights of Searles. The book begins with a discussion of the general personality theories of the two men. It then moves into the field of psychotherapy, focusing closely on patients, therapists and what goes on between them. Special emphasis is placed on the pioneering ideas of Jung and Searles and countertransference processes and on the role and personality of the analyst. What emerges is a distinctly new vision of psychotherapy. Readers interested in new paths in depth psychology should find this synthetic work both provocative and informative. Clinicians of all persuasions will find here a thoughtful, humane approach to psychotherapy.
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