Jung and the Shadow of Anti-Semitism: Collected Essays

Book Details
- Publisher : Nicolas-Hays
- Published : 2003
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 384
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 88984
- ISBN 13 : 9780892540402
- ISBN 10 : 0892540400
Also by Aryeh Maidenbaum
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An updated edition of a scholarly work that confronts a controversial subject.
In 1989, Jungian analysts gathered at a conference in New York and in workshops at the International Association for Analytical Psychology conference in Paris to address the rumors of C. G. Jung’s anti-Semitism. The papers for these events were originally published as Lingering Shadows: Jungians, Freudians, and Anti-Semitism. This revised and updated edition of that seminal publication examines both the historical merits of the rumors and the psychological implications of continued interest in this question.
This work is a poignant and revealing look at how the Jungian community has reconciled the dichotomy of Jung-the-genius with Jung-the-person-living-in-the-society-of-his-time. Included are new material by Joan Dulles Buresch-Talley, Sanford L. Drob, J. Marvin Spiegelman, Jerome Bernstein, Jane Reid, Jay Sherry, plus an updated chronology and bibliographic essay. Other contributors in this anthology include: Geoffrey Cocks, Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig, Werner Engel, Micha Neumann, Paul Roazen, Marga Speicher, and Ann Belford Ulanov.
While applying for a postdoctoral grant to study at the C. G. Jung Institute in Switzerland, Aryeh Maidenbaum was unexpectedly confronted with rumors of Jung’s anti-Semitism. Though he managed to swiftly rebut the accusations, he became increasingly uncomfortable with his ignorance on the topic. Today, Maidenbaum is known not only for his research and knowledge of the subject, but also for bringing the question to the forefront of the Jungian community.
About the Editor(s)
Aryeh Maidenbaum earned his PhD from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the Jung Institute in Zurich. He is a Jungian analyst and co-director of the New York Center for Jungian Studies with a strong background in the fields of History, Psychology and Jewish Studies. With over 30 years of experience presenting seminars and conferences on Jungian psychology, he has also organized and led Jewish Heritage Travel programs throughout the world.
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