Jungian Arts-Based Research and The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : July 2020
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 246
- Category :
Expressive Arts Therapies - Catalogue No : 95189
- ISBN 13 : 9781138310797
- ISBN 10 : 9781138310
Also by Susan Rowland
Jung as a Writer
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Psyche and the Arts: Jungian Approaches to Music,...
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Jungian Arts-Based Research and "The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico" provides clear, accessible and in-depth guidance both for arts-based researchers using Jung's ideas and for Jungian scholars undertaking arts-based research. The book provides a central extended example which applies the techniques described to the full text of Joel Weishaus' prose poem The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico, published here for the first time.
Designed as a "how-to" book, Jungian Arts-Based Research and "The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico" explores how Jung contributes to the new arts-based paradigm in psychic functions such as intuition, by providing an epistemology of symbols that includes the unconscious, and research strategies such as active imagination. Rowland examines Jung's The Red Book as an early example of Jungian arts-based research and demonstrates how this practice challenges the convention of the detached researcher by providing holistic knowing. Arts-based researchers will find here a psychic dimension that also manifests in transdisciplinarity, while those familiar with Jung's work will find in arts-based research ways to foster diversity for a decolonized academy.
This unique project will be essential reading for Jungian and post-Jungian academics and scholars, arts-based researchers of all backgrounds and readers interested in transdisciplinarity.
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